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Pakistani military says recent suicide bombing that killed 5 Chinese was planned in Afghanistan

Pakistani military says recent suicide bombing that killed 5 Chinese was planned in Afghanistan


ISLAMABAD — Pakistan's military said Tuesday that a suicide bombing that killed five Chinese engineers and a Pakistani driver in March was planned in neighboring Afghanistan and that the bomber was an Afghan citizen.

At a news conference, army spokesman Major General Ahmad Sharif said four men behind the March 26 attack in Bisham, a district of Khyber province Pakhtunkhwa, had been arrested.

Sharif said the attack that killed Chinese engineers working on Pakistan's largest Dasu dam was an attempt to damage the friendship between Pakistan and China. Thousands of Chinese are working on projects related to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

Sharif also said that the Pakistani Taliban who have sanctuaries in Afghanistan were behind a surge in attacks in Pakistan since January that have killed 62 security force personnel across the country, and that Pakistan had strong evidence of the group's incapacity in escalating violence.

The attacks prompted several foreign embassies to take additional security measures, asking diplomatic staff and Pakistani nationals to remain vigilant.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the US consulate said it was aware of a threat of terrorist attack in the port of Karachi and asked its citizens and embassy staff to stay away from the area. He also advised them to keep a low profile and remain vigilant in places frequented by tourists.

Karachi, Pakistan's largest city, has witnessed several militant attacks against Chinese and Pakistanis in recent years. Last month, five Japanese workers narrowly escaped a suicide bombing that targeted their van and killed a Pakistani passerby.

Sharif said the Afghan Taliban had failed to honor promises it made to the international community before coming to power, vowing that no one would be allowed to use Afghan soil for attacks against any country.

The Pakistani Taliban, a separate but close allied group of the Afghan Taliban who took power in Afghanistan in August 2021, had denied being behind the March attack, saying in a statement at the time that our only targets were the security forces (and their agents) imposed. on us. We are in no way involved in this attack.

On Tuesday, Mohammad Khurasani, a spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban known as Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan or TTP, rejected the use of Afghan soil to attack security forces inside Pakistan. He said in a statement on Tuesday that the group's militants, present across the country, had targeted security forces and military personnel.

Additionally, the military spokesperson pledged not to allow any undocumented foreigners to remain in the country. He said Pakistan Army had completed 98% of the fence under construction along the border with Afghanistan and 91% of the fence along the Iranian border had also been completed to check illegal movement, curb smuggling and prevent cross-border militant attacks.

Since last year, nearly 563,639 Afghans living illegally have returned to Afghanistan after Islamabad launched a crackdown on illegal migrants, drawing widespread criticism from international and domestic human rights groups.

Afghanistan has never recognized the porous border that runs through the heartland of the Pashtuns, Afghanistan's largest ethnic group.

Sharif also dismissed media reports of the possibility of a deal or negotiations with the country's imprisoned former prime minister Imran Khan or his party. Khan is serving several prison sentences for corruption, revealing official secrets and violations of the marriage law.

Khan was ousted in a parliamentary vote of no confidence in April 2022. He blamed the military, his rival, Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, and the United States for his ouster. All three have denied the accusation.




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