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PM Modi called 'THE DICTATOR' in viral deepfake video, here's how he reacted Firstpost

PM Modi called 'THE DICTATOR' in viral deepfake video, here's how he reacted Firstpost


PM Modi's deepfake video was shared on
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Amid the ongoing Lok Sabha polls, fake videos of political leaders are proliferating on social media and creating a lot of buzz. The last of these videos, a parody of Prime Minister Narendra Modi walking and dancing on a stage, had gone viral.

The deepfake video was shared on »

The video was released just hours before the third phase of voting for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections on May 7. The video showed the Prime Minister in a different avatar dancing on a stage at a concert.

How PM Modi reacted to his deepfake video?

PM Modi said he was delighted with the animated video of him dancing at a concert and said, “Like all of you, I also enjoyed seeing myself dancing. Such creativity in the middle of an election season is truly a delight.”

He also used laughing emojis and a #PollHumour hashtag in his response.

The response shared by Prime Minister Modi is seen as an apparent attack on his detractors who accuse him of being dictatorial.

Last month, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP-SP) leader Sharad Pawar warned against Prime Minister Modi's return to power, saying he would “impose a dictatorship” in India. “It will be dangerous to give another opportunity to Narendra Modi,” Pawar had said.

In March, Trinamool Congress leader Derek O'Brien accused Prime Minister Modi of behaving like a “tinplate dictator” and claimed that the BJP-led government at the Center was arresting leaders of the opposition in its desperation to win the 2024 LS elections.

Deepfake video of Modis after Mamata Banerjees parody clip

The Prime Minister's deepfake video came soon after a similar clip featuring West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee was shared online by two users on Monday (May 6).

Users who shared Mamata Banerjee's deepfake video have received notices from the Kolkata Police's cybercrime wing and have been asked to immediately disclose their identities, including their name and residence. Police officers later deleted the posts and the video continued to circulate widely.

Recently, fake videos featuring Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi were posted on some social media platforms which were removed and criminal cases filed.

What does the original video show?

The original video shows American rapper Lil Yachty entering the stage at an event. The video, which was originally posted on June 21, 2022 on YouTube, quickly became a popular meme template with people using Sora AI to replace Yachty with famous figures, including Hitler and DC supervillain Joker.

EC gives instructions to political parties

Meanwhile, the Election Commission of India (ECI) on Monday asked political parties to remove fake content from their social media platforms within three hours of reporting it. The Commission also warned against the misuse of AI tools to create deepfakes, emphasizing the importance of maintaining electoral integrity.

“Whenever such deepfake audios/videos come to the notice of political parties, they must immediately delete the message, but within a maximum period of three hours, and also identify and warn the responsible person within the party,” it said. declared the EC.

The parties were also asked to report illegal information and fake user accounts on the respective platforms and report persistent issues to the Grievance Appeal Committee under Rule 3A of the ICT Rules. information (intermediary guidelines and digital media ethics code), 2021.




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