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These Courtroom Cartoonists Document Trump's Secret TrialExBulletin

These Courtroom Cartoonists Document Trump's Secret TrialExBulletin


Cartoonists Elizabeth Williams (left to right), Jane Rosenberg and Christine Cornell wait to enter the Manhattan courthouse where former President Donald Trump's trial will take place on April 25. Jefferson Siegel/AP .

rock legend Jefferson Siegel/AP

Cartoonists Elizabeth Williams (left to right), Jane Rosenberg and Christine Cornell wait to enter the Manhattan courthouse where the trial of former President Donald Trump is taking place on April 25.

Jefferson Siegel/AP

Only those present at the courthouse for former President Donald Trump's secret trial are able to actually see the proceedings unfold.

The high-profile case is not being broadcast live and photography is prohibited, except for a few still photos of Trump at the start of the trial.

What we see, we see by looking at the sketches of several courtroom artists sitting in the gallery, glancing at a turned head or fleeting facial expression, and turning those impressions into art which is then widely shared in the news and on social networks. media.

“It's not always about drawing the most perfect, beautiful picture,” said Elizabeth Williams, who is drawing the trial for The Associated Press. “It’s about trying to draw the most honest, true, real moment, so people can understand what’s going on in that courtroom.”

Williams along with fellow cartoonists Christine Cornell and Jane Rosenberg were hired by various media outlets to draw scenes from Trump's historic criminal trial in Manhattan, which is ongoing.

A sketch by Jane Rosenberg showing former President Donald Trump sitting in court April 19 as final jurors are sworn in during his criminal trial. Jane Rosenberg/AP .

switch captionJane Rosenberg/AP

Prosecutors say Trump committed election fraud before the 2016 presidential campaign by arranging secret payments that would prevent the publication of several stories about him. Trump has pleaded not guilty.

The trio is part of a shrinking group of courtroom sketchers whose numbers are dwindling as more jurisdictions have begun allowing journalists to photograph and film court proceedings.

Courtroom art has been around for centuries and gives the public a glimpse into some of the most impactful legal moments in history. But after the frenzied trial of Richard Hauptman, convicted of murdering aviator Charles Lindbergh's child, in 1935, the American Bar Association said cameras should be banned in courtrooms, according to the Library of Congress .

That changed in the 1970s, when more states began allowing photography and filming in courts, and a recent report from the Fund for Modern Courts found that only New York, Louisiana and Washington, DC, restrict video coverage of most or all trial court proceedings.

A sketch by Christine Cornell of former President Donald Trump sitting at the defense table during the second day of jury selection, April 16. Christine Cornell/AP .

switch captionChristine Cornell/AP

Cornell said there are far fewer cartoonists in courtrooms today than when he started in 1975, and that doesn't appear to be changing. “There's really no one coming up through the ranks, you know, no one really coming in to do this work,” she said.

But some court systems still ban cameras, allowing artists to practice what they all say they love about drawing in courtrooms: drawing people.

“I went to college when abstract art was big and I was very discouraged,” said Rosenberg, who became an audience artist in 1980. “During college, they always said, 'Oh, that' It's over, it's done, find something new to do.' .' But I always loved drawing people.”

Cornell began drawing court scenes after following his sister, a CBS radio reporter, to a trial she was covering. She said she had always been passionate about drawing people and hearing interesting stories. “The accused become my muse and I draw them again and again,” she said.

Courtroom sketchers work during the civil fraud trial of former President Donald Trump in New York, November 2, 2023. John Taggart/AP .

switch captionJohn Taggart/AP

But it's not just about attracting people. The artists aim to capture the mood of the room in what Cornell described as a sort of “time-lapse” process. “You grab elements and put them together and basically try to capture the gestalt and tell the story.”

Courtroom artists say their jobs are stressful, filled with constant logistical obstacles, such as visual barriers and newsroom deadlines.

“I've had a knot in my stomach for probably at least the first 10 years, if not now. It's really hard, a lot of stress,” said Rosenberg, who sketched Trump's criminal trial for Reuters and others media. “But it gets my adrenaline going, so I love it.”

The former president's high-security trial is no different. Sitting several rows back, the artists often see only the back of the heads of Trump and his lawyers. Security personnel are stationed throughout the courtroom and sometimes performers do not have a clear view of witnesses. All three said they used binoculars to view the internal video feed of the courtroom.

In this Elizabeth Williams sketch, Ghislaine Maxwell enters the courtroom during the former socialite's trial on sex trafficking charges on November 29, 2021. Elizabeth Williams/AP .

switch captionElizabeth Williams/AP

Cornell, who is covering the story for CNN, even brought several seat cushions for support and a higher vantage point. “It’s not a glamorous job,” she joked.

When Trump does turn around, it may be only very briefly, like the day his son Eric came to court to speak with his father. “[Trump] I stood by the rail and they exchanged a few words, and I could see his face directly,” Cornell said. “I felt very lucky.”

Faced with tight deadlines, artists sometimes have to submit several drawings per day.

“You have to make do,” Williams said, adding that the constraints of the job can also produce interesting results. “If you don't think about it a lot, you can actually get some really good moments, as I call them real movie moments.”

Christine Cornell drew disgraced financier Bernie Madoff during a court appearance in 2009. Christine Cornell/AP .

switch captionChristine Cornell/AP

For Rosenberg, Trump was fun to draw. He wears “brilliant blue” suits with “whiter than white” shirts and “scarlet red” ties, she said.

“He has an expression, a lot of the time, that's like a sulky little kid who's about to throw a tantrum because he didn't get what he wanted,” Rosenberg added. “Every now and then he smiles. He comes in the morning and it looks like he has his eyes closed most of the morning.”

Trump has seen at least some of his sketches. He reportedly told artist Isabelle Brourman in December, after viewing one of her drawings of him, that he “needs to lose weight.”

Members of the public are also quick to criticize courtroom cartoonists, Williams said. People are used to seeing celebrities' features in great detail in photographs and videos, and she said some particularly vocal critics have even devoted entire blogs to the worst celebrity sketches.

Elizabeth Williams said there was a tense moment in attorney Michael Avenatti's trial when his former client, Stormy Daniels, testified. “The look she had on him was like daggers were coming out of her eyes,” Williams said. “Those kinds of moments are what you’re looking for.” Elizabeth Williams/AP .

switch captionElizabeth Williams/AP

“It tends to be something that will really piss people off, if a drawing doesn't exactly match a celebrity's appearance, whether it's Donald Trump or Taylor Swift or Lindsay Lohan or Kim Kardashian,” he said. -she declared.

“Well, guess what? It's not always that easy to draw a celebrity exactly what they look like,” Williams added. “You're not able to use a photograph. … You don't have that kind of time. And you draw what's in front of you, and you draw to the best of your ability.”

All three artists said their goal was to give viewers a sense of what it was like to be present during these memorable situations, because that is the only way for the vast majority of Americans to get a sense of what people looked like in those moments.

Cornell said she views her job as a public service. “I put my whole heart into it to create as accurate an image as possible, so that people really feel what it’s like to be in that room,” she said.

“Not just an arrangement of people,” Cornell added. “There has to be a bit of human drama.”




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