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President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron hold restricted meeting in Hautes-Pyrénées

President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron hold restricted meeting in Hautes-Pyrénées


On May 7 local time, at the special invitation of French President Emmanuel Macron, President Xi Jinping flew from Paris to the Hautes-Pyrénées for a visit to this department in southwest France.

President Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron arrived early. Alongside the prefect of the Hautes-Pyrénées department, Jean Salomon, and other local government officials, the couple welcomed President Xi and his wife at Tarbes airport for a visit to the Hautes-Pyrénées, a which is of particular importance for President Macron.

At the crossroads of spring and summer, streams formed by melting snow flow down from the mountains of southern France. The landscape is decorated with blooming flowers and green expanses of meadows.

President Emmanuel Macron and Madame Brigitte Macron received President Xi Jinping and Madame Peng Liyuan at La Tape du Berger located at Col du Tourmalet. Together, they attended a shepherds' dance performance, unique in the south of France, presented by local villagers, and took a group photo with the performers.

With snowflakes flying outside and clouds stretching across the sky, the two presidents and their wives sat by the window, looking out at the mountains in the distance while enjoying local delicacies. In a relaxed and cordial atmosphere, they had strategic communication on a number of important and crucial issues for the world.

President Xi stressed that Chinese civilization is the only one that has continued uninterrupted for more than 5,000 years. Therefore, the Chinese people are firmly committed to their country, especially regarding the national unification that they value and cherish. Many Chinese have lived abroad for years but remain deeply patriotic and proud of their homeland's continued development. President Xi recalled that during his trips abroad, he often saw many Chinese living and studying abroad lining the streets to welcome him. Noting that China has now achieved its first centenary goal, he expressed confidence that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will be achieved through the continued hard work of the Chinese people. Although the Chinese and French civilizations, one in the East and the other in the West, have different values ​​and social systems, both are committed to inter-civilizational exchanges and mutual learning. Both parties could coexist in harmony without seeking uniformity. Through dialogue and cooperation, they could make new contributions to global peace, development and human progress. China is ready to work with France and Europe to strengthen people-to-people exchanges, deepen economic and trade cooperation, build a fair mutual perception, and solidify and perpetuate the stories of friendship between the Chinese and French people. and Europe.

President Macron recalled his visit to China last year, especially the meeting in Songyuan, Guangzhou, which left a deep and wonderful impression on him. Through in-depth exchanges with President Xi, he learned more about China's history, culture, philosophy and development process and gained a deeper understanding of China's position on important issues. Given the uncertainties of the current international situation, it is essential that Europe maintains its strategic autonomy, solidarity and unity. It is also essential that Europe develops strong relations with China and strengthens their bilateral and multilateral cooperation. Both France and China are permanent members of the UN Security Council. He expressed his willingness to maintain close communication with President Xi Jinping and play a positive role in maintaining peace and stability in Europe and the world.

Highlighting the wonderful times spent by the two couples, President Xi thanked President Macron and his wife for their warm hospitality and thoughtful arrangements. He expressed his willingness to have frequent interactions with President Macron and work with him for the healthy and steady development of China-France and China-EU relations and to bring more stability and positive energy to this changing world. and turbulent. He invited President Macron to make another visit to China at an appropriate time.

Before parting, local villagers began singing a shepherd song, expressing gratitude to President Xi and Madam Peng for their visit and inviting them to come back another time.

President Xi said the magnificent scenery and culinary specialties left a deep impression on him. He welcomes more quality French agri-food products on the Chinese market and visits from more friendly French people to China.

President Macron and Madame Brigitte Macron accompanied President Xi and Madame Peng on the way to the Col du Tourmalet in Tarbes. An official farewell ceremony was held at the airport. The two presidents agreed to meet again in Beijing.

On the same evening, President Xi, after finishing his visit to France, arrived in Belgrade and began his state visit to Serbia at the invitation of Serbian President Aleksandar Vui.




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