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In his first meeting with Imran Khan in prison, Arif Alvi saddled with 'important responsibility'

In his first meeting with Imran Khan in prison, Arif Alvi saddled with 'important responsibility'


PTI founder Imran Khan (right) and former president Dr Arif Alvi. AFP/APP/File

RAWALPINDI: Amid political tensions prevailing in the country following the May 9 violence, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan has entrusted an important responsibility to former President Dr Arif Alvi , which has been working to bridge the gap between the establishment and former ruling party, the party's general secretary, Omar Ayub Khan, confirmed on Thursday.

The development came a day after the PTI founding president rejected the military's demand to apologize for the May 9 events and distanced his party from the violent protests that erupted in the country last year, shortly after his arrest.

Addressing a press conference alongside Alvi outside Adiala jail in Rawalpindi, Ayub said: The PTI founder has entrusted an important responsibility to Arif Alvi. [during his maiden meeting with Khan after leaving the Presidency].

For his part, the former president said: The PTI founder is ready to return [more] sacrifices [for the country]

Without revealing the nature of the important responsibility, the PTI leader said: I have received instructions from the PTI founder.

Turning to the police crackdown on the PTI leadership amid the May 9 chaos, Alvi said: Some PTI people may be involved [in May 9 violence] but the whole party crashed.

The May 9 violence was sparked almost across the country after ousted Prime Minister Khan was arrested in connection with the $190 million settlement case last year. Hundreds of PTI workers and leaders have been jailed for their alleged involvement in violence and attacks on military installations.

Dozens of PTI leaders parted ways with the party or left politics after the incident.

During the protests, the criminals targeted civilian and military installations, including the Jinnah House and the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi. The army declared May 9 as Black Day and decided to try the protesters under the Army Law.

Alvi further said that their mandate was stolen during the February 8 general elections, adding that they had proof about it.

The former ruling party believed its mandate had been stolen, as PTI President Gohar Ali Khan's lawyer said last week: We won all 180 seats for the party. [February 8] elections. Our seats were allocated to other parties via Form 47.

The former president termed the PML-N-led coalition government as a product of Form 47.

Replying to a question on the ISPR presser, Alvi said: I also said yesterday that the wrongdoer should ask for forgiveness, not the oppressed.

Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (DG ISPR) Major General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry on Tuesday asked “those involved in the violent May 9 protests to apologise” and avoid any politics of anarchy before to initiate a dialogue.

Commenting on the presser, Alvi, speaking to the media outside the Punjab Assembly, stressed the need for an impartial investigation into the May 9 incidents. The oppressor should ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness is the only answer to all disagreements. »

Those with real powers should initiate the dialogue process, he reiterated.

Referring to his party's alleged popularity among the masses, the former president said a new logic of democracy was presented by claiming that 70 percent of people were wrong and a few people were right.

Stressing the need for dialogues to get the country out of the political crisis, Alvi said: [The establish] we will have to talk to people [PTI] having a mandate of 70%.

It is pertinent to mention here that Dr Ali has been trying to bridge the gap between the establishment and the PTI for a long time.

In his first statement after leaving Aiwan-e-Sadr in March, Alvi said: I tried to resolve things from all angles. Even now I'm trying to work things out.

Also in January 2023, Alvi offered to mediate between the then Shehbaz Sharif-led government and the PTI to lower the rising political temperature in the country.

I tried to put an end to such misunderstandings, Alvi had said

As president, it is my responsibility to maintain the cohesion of this federation. For Pakistan, cooperation is better than discord and this is also my advice.




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