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No absolution for those trying to undermine foundations of nation, says Pakistani PM

No absolution for those trying to undermine foundations of nation, says Pakistani PM



Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif vowed on Thursday that there would be no “soft pedaling” of last year's May 9 riots and that there would be “no absolution” for those who orchestrated and supported the attempt to undermine the foundations of the nation.

The ruling alliance parties and the country's powerful military observed May 9 as “Black Day”, while jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party celebrated it. called a “false flag operation” against his supporters and protests. across the South Asian nation.

“Do not let the shadows of lies hide the light of truth. One year ago today, not only were the symbols of our national pride and honor attacked, but so was the sanctity of our sacred homeland. been attacked,” Sharif said on X.

Hundreds of people were arrested after violence erupted on May 9, 2023, after Khan was briefly apprehended in a corruption case before the Islamabad High Court.

“There can be absolutely no softening of what happened on May 9 and there can be no absolution for those who orchestrated, supported and aided the attempt to damage the foundations of our nation,” Sharif added.

The country's military also issued a statement condemning the criminal acts committed on May 9, which it dubbed “Black Day.”

“On this one of the darkest days in our national history, politically motivated and brainwashed miscreants, in an act of rebellion, deliberately resorted to violence against state institutions and vandalized sacred symbols of the state and sites belonging to national heritage,” the army said.

“The Pakistani armed forces have foiled the insidious conspiracy of the planners, facilitators and executors who wanted to destabilize Pakistan by instigating confrontation between the people and the armed forces,” the text adds.

Meanwhile, the PTI is holding protest rallies in various cities including Mardan, Swat, Dir, Lahore and Faisalabad, and major rallies are planned later today in Peshawar, Dera Ismail Khan, Karachi and others cities.

The party also plans to hold rallies in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and other districts near the capital before marching to Adiala prison, where Khan has been imprisoned since August last year.

Since May 9, the PTI has faced a repression: thousands of workers have reportedly been imprisoned and several key leaders have left the party.

Some of them have been tried by the military and Khan is currently on trial in several cases.

The PTI denies involvement in attacks on public and private properties and says the May 9 violence was a plot against the party.

“The May 9 false flag operation that attempted to crush the PTI was entirely planned,” Khan said in his message from prison.

“The nation should know on whose orders I was abducted from the Islamabad High Court by the paramilitary armed forces on May 9 last year,” Khan questioned in a statement published on X.

On Tuesday, Pakistani army spokesperson Major General Ahmed Sharif demanded former Prime Minister Khan apologize for the violent May 9 riots and distanced his party from the protest.

However, Khan on Wednesday rejected the demand for an apology, saying it should “be asked of them.”

Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Omar Ayub Khan also termed the military spokesperson's press conference against the PTI as “open interference in the political affairs of the country” and a negation of the oath that he loaned out as an officer cadet to the military academy.

“The whole world knows that May 9 was a 'false flag operation' against the PTI,” Khan told X.

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