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Imran removes Marwat from PTI top body and gives him notice

Imran removes Marwat from PTI top body and gives him notice


Sher Afzal Khan Marwat holds a cricket bat while addressing supporters during a PTI rally in Karachi January 14, 2024. Reuters

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Founder Chairman Imran Khan has removed senior party leader Sher Afzal Marwat from the central committee and political committee of PTI and ordered to issue him a show cause notice for allegedly damaged the party.

Party general secretary Omar Ayub announced this while addressing the media in Rawalpindi after a meeting with Imran Khan at Adiala jail on Thursday. He was flanked by senior party leader Dr Arif Alvi, Information Secretary Raoof Hasan and others.

Omar Ayub said that Imran Khan, taking strict note of Marwats' statements, noted that Marwat, despite several reminders, had violated party discipline and issued misleading statements, harming his and the party's interests. More importantly, it has immensely damaged PTI's relationship with the Saudi government and its excellent relationship with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

Omar Ayub said Imran Khan recalled that under his government two OIC conferences were organized in Pakistan and in this regard MBS played a key role.

The PTI general secretary said the founding president, whom he repeatedly called Prime Minister Imran Khan, had also ordered that the party's political committee should decide on disciplinary action to be taken against Marwat, who he gave immense respect for his good work.

Prime Minister Imran Khan has given an extremely important responsibility to President Dr Arif Alvi and asked him to make former AJK Prime Minister Abdul Qayyum Niazi a member of the political committee, Omar Ayub said.

He pointed out that Imran Khan had also called May 9 a well-thought-out plot under the London Plan, just like the one that happened on March 11, 1971 when General Yahya Khan met Mujibur Rehman and set a date for May 9. session of the National Assembly.

But, he continued, the very next day, a military operation was launched in East Pakistan, and this decision was taken by an individual, General Yahya, which led to the separation of East Pakistan on December 16 1971 and this day could be called a dark day.

Speaking on the occasion, Raoof Hasan said that Imran Khan had also ordered the filing of three petitions in the Supreme Court of Pakistan for production of CCTV footage of what are alleged to be attacks on military installations on May 9 , summoning former acting Prime Minister Anwaarul. Haq Kakar to explain his statement on Form 47, which he made recently during an altercation with Hanif Abbasi of the PMLN.

If I were talking about Form 47, you would not be able to find a place to hide your face, he quoted Kakar telling Abbasi when he was talking about wheat imports by the caretaker government.

A petition, Raoof said, would be filed seeking an explanation from the departments concerned over the shooting deaths of 16 PTI workers at close range.

He said Imran Khan noted that the party should also file a petition for production of CCTV footage of the assassination attempt on him at the court complex.

We will also request the apex court to recover and produce the ex-Commissioner of Rawalpindi, who had revealed how 17 seats were snatched through electoral fraud and then these puppet leaders were imposed on the nation, he said.

Earlier, Omar Ayub condemned what he called the actions of the fascist Punjab regime against the PTI and lawyers through the mercenary provincial police.

He alleged that Asif Ali Zardari had taken three vehicles from Toshakhana in violation of law, while Nawaz Sharif had taken two vehicles illegally and Maryam Nawaz had not declared the vehicle taken from Toshakhana.




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