Pakistani court overturns Imran Khan's conviction for leaking state secrets
An Islamabad court has quashed the sentence of former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his close aide, former foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, in a case linked to leak of state secrets.
Khan and Qureshi were sentenced to 10 years in prison on January 30 this year by a special court set up in a Rawalpindi jail, just days before the country's general elections.
The so-called encryption case concerns a diplomatic cable that Khan says proves his allegation that his removal from power in April 2022 was a conspiracy. The tribunal set up under the Official Secrets Act found Khan guilty of misusing the confidential cable sent by a former Pakistani ambassador to the United States.
Khan has repeatedly denied the accusations, saying the document contained evidence that his removal as prime minister was a plot hatched by his political opponents and the country's powerful military, with the help of the US administration. . Washington and the Pakistani army reject this accusation.
Khan, a former cricket star, served as Pakistan's prime minister from August 2018 until April 2022, when he lost a vote of confidence in Parliament. He has been in prison since August last year and faces trial in several cases.
However, although the Islamabad High Court declared the sentence void, Khan remains behind bars due to his conviction in another case. On February 3, Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi were sentenced to seven years in prison when a Rawalpindi court ruled their 2018 marriage violated Islamic law.
It is not yet clear whether Qureshi will be allowed out of prison or not.
Sayed Zulfiqar Bukhari, a senior leader of the Khans Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, said the Islamabad court's decision was proof that the former prime minister's legal troubles were the result of fabricated cases. from scratch.
The court not only dismissed this case but also proved that this is another example of all the frivolous accusations against former Prime Minister Khan and one by one all these accusations will collapse soon, he told Al Jazeera.
Khan, who is also the PTI party chief, appealed the verdict in the illegal marriage case, and the decision was supposed to be announced last week.
However, the judge hearing the case apologized for announcing the verdict after the complainant in the case, Khawar Maneka, who is also Bushra Bibi's ex-husband, expressed distrust of of the judge. The case will now be heard on June 25 by a different judge.
Khan and Bushra Bibi were also convicted on January 31 in a case related to illegal sale of state gifts, but in April their convictions were quashed by the Islamabad High Court (IHC).
The former prime minister, who faced several cases, recently obtained favorable court verdicts. Also on Monday, Khan and Qureshi, along with several other PTI leaders, were acquitted in two cases related to vandalism at a protest rally organized by the PTI in May 2022.
Last month, the IHC also granted Khan bail in a high-profile case involving a land deal. Khan was accused of colluding with Malik Riaz, one of the country's biggest real estate tycoons, in an alleged quid pro quo deal that allegedly caused the exchequer a loss of more than $239 million.
Khan was ousted from power in a vote of no confidence in April 2022. But tensions between Khan and the country's traditional political and military establishment exploded after his supporters went on a rampage in May last year, attacking among others installations of military installations, after Khan's arrest. . This triggered a crackdown by security forces: many PTI supporters and leaders were arrested; others hid.
Khan himself was released within 48 hours, but was later arrested and convicted in several other cases. He was declared ineligible to run in the country's February elections due to his convictions. Election authorities also denied PTI the use of its election symbol, the cricket bat.
Still, PTI-backed candidates won 93 seats, becoming the largest political bloc in Parliament. They currently lead the opposition. (Al Jazeera)
Sources 2/ https://www.newswire.lk/2024/06/04/pakistan-court-nullifies-imran-khans-conviction-in-state-secrets-leak/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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