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Supreme Court set to rule on Trump's immunity in election interference case

Supreme Court set to rule on Trump's immunity in election interference case


WASHINGTON The Supreme Court is expected to deliver its long-awaited decision Monday on whether former President Donald Trump can claim immunity from prosecution for at least some of his actions aimed at overturning the 2020 election.

Chief Justice John Roberts announced Friday that Monday would be the final day of judgment in the current nine-month judicial term, with Trump's case one of four remaining.

The decisions will be made one by one, starting at 10:00 a.m., with the Trump case likely to be the last.

The court has already faced heavy criticism from the left, both for hearing the Trump case in the first place, thereby preventing a trial from taking place in March, and for taking so long to decide it, making it difficult, if not impossible, to hold a trial. start before the elections.

Trump faces four criminal charges over his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, culminating in the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, in which a mob of his supporters sought to prevent Congress from certifying President Joe Biden's election.

But time is running out for a trial to take place before the November election, in which Trump is seeking to regain power.

Even if the Supreme Court rejects all of Trump's immunity arguments on Monday and says a trial can proceed, it likely could not begin until September.

Based on the timetable set before the appeals process began, it could take three months after the Supreme Court's decision to begin a trial, which could last up to 12 weeks.

The legal question before the court is whether, and to what extent, a former president enjoys presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct involving official acts while in office, the order says.

While Trump initially made a broad immunity argument that would lead to the dismissal of the entire indictment if granted, his lawyer walked back those assertions during closing arguments in April. He admitted that some of the acts alleged in the indictment were not part of Trump's official duties. Trump's lawyers have long acknowledged that Trump is not immune from conduct that does not constitute an official act.

Lower courts rejected Trump's broad claim of immunity, prompting him to seek intervention from the Supreme Court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority, including three justices he appointed.

Based on the oral arguments, it seems likely that the court will conclude that some acts alleged in the indictment could be covered by immunity. The justices could establish a new test for determining which official acts are immune, and then send it back to the lower courts to determine how that affects Trump’s indictment.

This could further delay the start of the trial.

In the other cases to be decided Monday, two involve challenges to Republican-backed state laws aimed at regulating social media platforms. The other case involves cases where companies can challenge federal agency regulations.




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