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Eliminating terrorists from Syria to serve his interests: Trkiye's MGK

Eliminating terrorists from Syria to serve his interests: Trkiye's MGK


Turkey's Supreme Security Council reiterated the country's support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbors, especially Iraq and Syria, while warning of the dangers of Israel's illegal actions, which pose a threat to regional security.

Referring to the PKK's Syrian branch, the YPG, the National Security Council (MGK) said in a statement that eliminating terrorists from Syrian territories would serve Syria's interests.

He noted that Turkey would continue to contribute to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of its neighbors Iraq and Syria within the framework of increased counter-terrorism efforts and sincere cooperation in resolving common security issues.

The Security Council also said that Turkey would continue to support efforts to reach a genuine public agreement involving all parties in Syria to find a permanent solution. It added that it would not allow provocations to undermine the friendship between the two countries.

The Assad regime often cites the presence of Turkish troops in the north of the country as an obstacle to full normalization. However, Turkey relies on a military presence in the region to protect itself from security threats, particularly from the PKK/YPG terrorist group that controls northeastern Syria, just across the Turkish border.

Turkey, a NATO member, supported the political and armed opposition to the Assad regime during the 12-year civil war and sent its troops to the north of the country to fight terrorist groups such as the PKK, its Syrian affiliate, the YPG, and Daesh. It also hosts more than 3.5 million refugees from its neighbor. Since 2016, Turkish cross-border operations have helped liberate northern Syria from terrorism and allow the peaceful resettlement of residents.

Turkish officials have recently raised the idea of ​​cooperating with Damascus in the fight against terrorism, as the PKK/YPG still controls much of the northeast of the country, making it impossible for Assad to establish territorial integrity. The Assad regime, however, has repeatedly denounced Trkiyes' operations.

Relations between the two countries began to ease after the February 6 earthquakes that killed more than 56,000 people in both countries and on both sides. With Russia and Iran, Damascus' allies, they resumed normalization talks. At the same time, Assad insisted that Ankara's withdrawal from Syrian territory was the only way to achieve normalization.

The MGK was briefed on ongoing cross-border operations in northern Iraq and Syria, as well as measures aimed at creating a security corridor on the Iraqi border.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoan indicated months ago that he planned to launch new operations against the group this summer to rid the region of the PKK. Officials often emphasize efforts to close the security loop and sever ties between the group's leaders in Iraq and its Syrian affiliate, the YPG.

The terror corridor is already a target of the Turkish military and intelligence services in Syria and Iraq.

Israeli massacres must stop

Warning that Israel, which has proven through its massacres that it has nothing to do with international law and humanitarian values, must be immediately stopped as its actions may lead to regional spillovers and trigger a cycle of regional violence

In violation of a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire, Israel faces international condemnation over its continued brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip since the Hamas attack on October 7.

Nearly 39,200 Palestinians have since been killed, mostly women and children, and more than 90,400 injured, according to local health authorities.

More than nine months into the Israeli offensive, vast swathes of Gaza lie in ruins, under a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine.

Israel is accused of genocide before the International Court of Justice, which ordered Tel Aviv to immediately cease its military operation in the southern town of Rafah, where more than a million Palestinians had sought refuge from war before its invasion on May 6.

Cyprus, Ukraine and relations with African countries

The Council also reaffirmed a two-state solution for Cyprus, advocating the sovereign equality of Turkish Cypriots and international recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

“Turkey's peace operation in Cyprus guarantees 50 years of peace and security on the island, affirming its legitimacy,” the National Security Council said.

The island of Cyprus has been embroiled in a decades-long conflict between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, despite a series of diplomatic efforts to reach a comprehensive settlement.

Ethnic attacks that began in the early 1960s forced Turkish Cypriots to retreat into enclaves for their safety.

In 1974, a Greek Cypriot coup aimed at annexing the island to Greece led to military intervention by Turkey, the guarantor power, to protect Turkish Cypriots from persecution and violence. The TRNC was founded in 1983.

The Greek Cypriot administration was admitted to the EU in 2004, the same year Greek Cypriots thwarted a UN plan to end the long-running conflict.

The National Security Council said: “Turkey will prioritize dialogue in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions and will not allow its constructive approach to be exploited.”

She also called for further multilateral efforts for a just and lasting peace in Ukraine, stressing the need to prevent further escalation or spread of the conflict.

During the meeting, the relations developed in a long-term approach between Turkey and African countries, especially Somalia, Libya, Sudan and Niger, were also evaluated.

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