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Xinhua think tank sports report released-Xinhua

Xinhua think tank sports report released-Xinhua


Fu Hua, president of Xinhua News Agency and chairman of the Academic Committee of Xinhua Institute, delivers a speech at the launching ceremony of a think tank report titled “The Road to Becoming a Sports Powerhouse – The Value and Inspiration of Xi Jinping's Important Speeches on Sports” in Beijing, capital of China, Aug. 27, 2024. (Xinhua/Jin Liangkuai)

BEIJING, Aug. 27 (Xinhua) — A think tank report titled “The Road to Becoming a Sports Powerhouse – The Value and Inspiration of Xi Jinping's Important Speeches on Sports” was released Tuesday.

Written by the Xinhua Institute, a high-level think tank of Xinhua News Agency, the report is divided into four sections. It comprehensively explains the core concepts of Xi Jinping's important speeches on sports, reviews the achievements of Chinese sports under his leadership, and clarifies its contemporary significance and global influence.

At the report's launch ceremony, Fu Hua, president of Xinhua News Agency and chairman of the academic committee of Xinhua Institute, said that Chinese President Xi Jinping, under the strategic perspective of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, has made a series of important expositions on sports, providing fundamental guidelines for advancing the high-quality development of China's sports cause.

This think tank report “provides an innovative interpretation of the scientific theoretical framework that supports China's development as a strong sports nation,” Fu said.

The essence of Xi Jinping's important speeches on sports involves building a sports power to shape a “complete personality” at the individual level, develop a “creative society” at the social level, cultivate a “confident nation” at the national level, promote “Chinese wisdom” at the civilizational level and build a “colorful world” at the international level, the report said.

The report highlights the global impact of Xi Jinping's ideas on sports, suggesting that China's model of sports modernization and development is a reference for other countries and regions.

“While absorbing advanced global experiences, Chinese sports have combined local culture to form a development path with Chinese characteristics. The cross-cultural appeal of sports has brought hope to the world, and through sports, China promotes peace, development and unity, actively contributing to creating a better world,” the report said.

Speakers who shared their insights at the launch event included Gao Zhidan, director of the General Administration of Sport of China, and Yang Yang, China's first Winter Olympic gold medalist.

Gao noted that under President Xi's leadership, sports have become a symbol and an important element of national prosperity, national rejuvenation and people's well-being.

The report systematically reviews President Xi's important speeches on sports and deeply explores strategies and paths to transform China into a global sports power in the new era, he said.

Xinhua Institute is the only media-based think tank among China's high-end domestic think tanks, focusing mainly on public policy and international politics research.

Organized by Xinhua News Agency, the launch event brought together about 100 representatives from the General Administration of Sports, Olympic champions, the sports community, experts, scholars, media and members of the thinking project team.

Full text: The Path to Becoming a Sports Powerhouse – The Value and Inspiration of Xi Jinping’s Important Speeches on Sports

Gao Zhidan, director of the General Administration of Sport of China, speaks at a report launching ceremony in Beijing, capital of China, Aug. 27, 2024. A think tank report titled “The Road to Becoming a Sports Powerhouse – The Value and Inspiration of Xi Jinping's Important Speeches on Sports” was released here Tuesday.

Written by the Xinhua Institute, a high-level think tank of Xinhua News Agency, the report is divided into four sections. It comprehensively explains the core concepts of Xi Jinping's important speeches on sports, reviews the achievements of Chinese sports under his leadership, and clarifies its contemporary significance and global influence. (Xinhua/Jin Liangkuai)

Yang Yang, China's first Winter Olympic gold medalist, speaks at a report launching ceremony in Beijing, capital of China, Aug. 27, 2024. A think tank report titled “The Road to Becoming a Sports Powerhouse – The Value and Inspiration of Xi Jinping's Important Speeches on Sports” was released here Tuesday.

Written by the Xinhua Institute, a high-level think tank of Xinhua News Agency, the report is divided into four sections. It comprehensively explains the core concepts of Xi Jinping's important speeches on sports, reviews the achievements of Chinese sports under his leadership, and clarifies its contemporary significance and global influence. (Xinhua/Jin Liangkuai)

Zhang Xiaohuan, head coach of the Chinese artistic swimming team and a representative of the gold medalists at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, speaks at a report launching ceremony in Beijing, capital of China, Aug. 27, 2024. A think tank report titled “The Road to Becoming a Sports Powerhouse – The Value and Inspiration of Xi Jinping's Important Speeches on Sports” was released here Tuesday.

Written by the Xinhua Institute, a high-level think tank of Xinhua News Agency, the report is divided into four sections. It comprehensively explains the core concepts of Xi Jinping's important speeches on sports, reviews the achievements of Chinese sports under his leadership, and clarifies its contemporary significance and global influence. (Xinhua/Jin Liangkuai)

Feng Yu, team leader of the Chinese artistic swimming team and representative of the gold medalists at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, speaks at a report launching ceremony in Beijing, capital of China, Aug. 27, 2024. A think tank report titled “The Road to Becoming a Sports Powerhouse – The Value and Inspiration of Xi Jinping's Important Speeches on Sports” was released here Tuesday.

Written by the Xinhua Institute, a high-level think tank of Xinhua News Agency, the report is divided into four sections. It comprehensively explains the core concepts of Xi Jinping's important speeches on sports, reviews the achievements of Chinese sports under his leadership, and clarifies its contemporary significance and global influence. (Xinhua/Jin Liangkuai)

This photo shows the report released by the Xinhua Institute, a high-end think tank of Xinhua News Agency, in Beijing, capital of China, Aug. 27, 2024. A think tank report titled “The Road to Becoming a Sports Powerhouse – The Value and Inspiration of Xi Jinping's Important Speeches on Sports” was released here on Tuesday.

Written by the Xinhua Institute, a high-level think tank of Xinhua News Agency, the report is divided into four sections. It comprehensively explains the core concepts of Xi Jinping's important speeches on sports, reviews the achievements of Chinese sports under his leadership, and clarifies its contemporary significance and global influence. (Xinhua/Jin Liangkuai)

Xu Bo, head of Rongjiang County where the Village Super League has become a sensation in China, speaks at a report launching ceremony in Beijing, capital of China, Aug. 27, 2024. A think tank report titled “The Road to Becoming a Sports Powerhouse – The Value and Inspiration of Xi Jinping's Important Speeches on Sports” was released here Tuesday.

Written by the Xinhua Institute, a high-level think tank of Xinhua News Agency, the report is divided into four sections. It comprehensively explains the core concepts of Xi Jinping's important speeches on sports, reviews the achievements of Chinese sports under his leadership, and clarifies its contemporary significance and global influence. (Xinhua/Jin Liangkuai)

This photo shows the report released by the Xinhua Institute, a high-end think tank of Xinhua News Agency, in Beijing, capital of China, Aug. 27, 2024. A think tank report titled “The Road to Becoming a Sports Powerhouse – The Value and Inspiration of Xi Jinping's Important Speeches on Sports” was released here on Tuesday.

Written by the Xinhua Institute, a high-level think tank of Xinhua News Agency, the report is divided into four sections. It comprehensively explains the core concepts of Xi Jinping's important speeches on sports, reviews the achievements of Chinese sports under his leadership, and clarifies its contemporary significance and global influence. (Xinhua/Chen Yehua)




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