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Congress seriously exposed due to false promises: PM Modi

Congress seriously exposed due to false promises: PM Modi


Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Deposit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi. File | Photo credit: ANI

On Friday, November 1, 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi denounced before the Congress that his party now realized to its cost that it was easy to make unreal promises during election campaigns, but that implementing them correctly was difficult, or even impossible.

The statement follows Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge's advice to state units to make only those promises that are financially viable. Campaign after campaign, they promise things to the people, which they also know they can never keep. Now they are seriously exposed in front of the people! FakePromisesOfCongress, Mr. Modi said in a series of messages on X.

Check in any state where the Congress has governments today – Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and Telangana – the development trajectory and fiscal health are going from bad to worse. Their so-called guarantees are not being fulfilled, which is a terrible deception for the people of these states, the Prime Minister said.

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Stating that the victims of such policies were the poor, youth, farmers and women, who were not only denied the benefits of these promises but also saw their existing projects diluted, he said: In Karnataka, the Congress is busier in intra-party debates. politics and looting instead of even caring about development. On top of that, they will also cancel existing programs.

In Himachal Pradesh, salaries of civil servants are not paid on time. In Telangana, farmers are waiting for the waiver they promised. Earlier, in Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan, they had promised certain benefits which were never implemented for five years. There are many examples of how the Congress works, Mr. Modi said.

The Prime Minister said people should be vigilant against the Congress-sponsored culture of false promises. We have seen recently how the people of Haryana have rejected their lies and preferred a stable, progress-oriented and action-driven government. Across India, there is a growing realization that a vote for Congress is a vote for non-governance, a poor economy and unprecedented plunder. The people of India want development and progress, not the same old…, he said.

Addressing a press conference, BJP MP and former Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad earlier referred to Mr Kharges' remarks to say that the Congress leader now understood that the announcements should not be made without appropriate financial/budgetary arrangements. Now the question arises whether he conveyed this lesson to their leader Rahul Gandhi or not, Mr. Prasad said.

A new, unique term [swift] was presented by Mr. Gandhi. This khata-khat has been going on for many elections, but he is known for making announcements and then moving on, he said. The BJP leader said Mr. Gandhi had made several promises in Himachal Pradesh, where the situation was now such that the Chief Minister was telling ministers and legislators to stop collecting salaries. The situation was similar in Karnataka and Telangana, he said.

We proudly declare that if we have promised 6,000 per annum to 11 crore farmers, then the Prime Minister presses a button and the money arrives in their accounts. If we provide 80 million people with five kg of wheat and rice, this will also reach them. When we talked about Digital India, it became a reality on the ground. The same goes for digital payments, he said.

Also read: A year later, Karnatakas Shakti smart card project is yet to become a reality

He demanded an apology from Mr. Kharge and Mr. Gandhi for the false announcements made in Telangana, Karnataka and Himachal Pradesh.

The BJP wants to convey to voters in Maharashtra and Jharkhand that Congress party members should refrain from making baseless announcements. There is a need to clarify where these promises come from, the BJP leader said.

Mr. Prasad also raised the issue of Karnatakas Vijayapura, alleging that the land records of farmers were falsified and the name of the Waqf Board regarding 44 properties was inserted. When the farmers raised this issue, the state Law Minister had to say that it was an error caused in the gazette notification…, he said.

Congress general secretary KC Venugopal told the media: “We are implementing our promises; this is the model of Congress. In Karnataka, whatever we have promised to implement, anyone can look at it. The Prime Minister's statement is clearly false.




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