Erdoan congratulates Trump, but doubts remain about future of US-Turkey relations
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan congratulated Donald Trump on his victory in the US presidential election, but skepticism remains over whether a second Trump term will significantly improve strained US-Turkey relations, according to media reports Turks.
In a statement on Middle East and Eastern Europe.
“I congratulate my friend Donald Trump on his re-election as president of the United States after a hard-fought presidential race,” Erdoan said. I hope this new mandate will serve as an opportunity to strengthen relations between Turkey and the United States and help address some of the world's most pressing challenges.
Erdoan's gesture signals his hope for renewed cooperation, but many experts doubt that Trump's return to power will resolve key sticking points in bilateral relations.
During Trump's previous term, disagreements over defense policy, regional alliances and economic sanctions deepened, creating a difficult dynamic between the two NATO allies. Despite Erdoan's attempts to reinvigorate relations, the diplomatic problems that characterized Trump's first term, including Turkey's controversial purchase of Russian missile systems and U.S. support for Kurdish forces in Syria, are expected to persist.
Trump's style of foreign policy, known for its unpredictability, has yielded mixed results for Ankara. While his decision to withdraw U.S. forces from parts of Syria was seen as beneficial to Turkish security operations, it also destabilized parts of the region and complicated U.S. policy in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and in the Levant (ISIL). For Ankara, Trump's transactional approach offered short-term benefits, but the lack of a coherent strategy left critical disputes unresolved.
The most significant breakdown in relations remains Turkey's acquisition of the Russian S-400 missile defense system, which led to Turkey's exclusion from the US F-35 fighter jet program under the administration Trump. Although Erdoan can hope for more flexibility from Trump on this issue, analysts doubt that the US position on Turkey's defense decisions will change, especially as Washington continues to view the deepening of links between Ankara and Moscow.
Additionally, Trump's economic sanctions against Turkey in 2018, which targeted Turkish officials and sharply devalued the lira, left lingering resentment and highlighted the fragility of economic cooperation between the two countries. Erdoan has long blamed the sanctions for harming Turkey's economy, and there are fears that Trump's return could lead to similar punitive measures if relations deteriorate again.
Another reason complicating Erdoan's hopes is Trump's strong support for Israel, which often conflicts with Turkey's position in the region. As tensions rise in the Middle East, particularly over the conflict in Gaza and Israel's regional influence, Trump's policies could put Turkey in a difficult position and strain Turkey's ambitions. Ankara as a regional power broker.
Observers say that even if Erdoan can publicly celebrate Trump's return, broader U.S.-Turkey relations are unlikely to improve. Instead, Trump's second term could lead to more friction as the two leaders pursue opposing agendas within an already fragile alliance.
Sources 2/ https://www.turkishminute.com/2024/11/06/erdogan-congratulates-trump-but-doubts-remain-over-future-of-us-turkish-relations/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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