Boris Johnson was caught in 'lies' about Partygate by Cummings aides, new book says
Boris Johnson was ousted as prime minister after his close aides told media he broke Covid rules at a social gathering in Downing Street to get him to “lie” about it, according to a new book.
Former Advisor No. 10 Dominique Cummings allegedly hatched the plan in retaliation for an alleged briefing against him and his associates by Johnson's wife, Carrie.
He then allegedly hatched an elaborate plan to trick the then prime minister into denying Covid abuse and triggered the trigger for his downfall.
The claims, detailed in Out by political writer Tim Shipman, appear to confirm Johnson's insistence that he was the victim of a “political assassination” carried out by Cummings and his allies.
Books from which extracts have been published in Sunday timetraced the origins of the plot to a conversation between Johnson and Cummings in November 2020, when Cummings confronted the then-prime minister over claims that Ms. Johnson and her allies were briefing against him.
Boris Johnson was ousted as prime minister after his close aides told the media he broke Covid rules at a social gathering in Downing Street, according to the book.
Former number 10 adviser Dominic Cummings is believed to have hatched the plan in retaliation for an alleged briefing against him and his colleagues by Johnson's wife Carrie.
He reportedly told Johnson, “You better keep this thing under control or things will explode out of your control.” While we're gone, your boyfriend is going to say a lot of nasty things and I'm going to hold you personally responsible for what he says. You know what this means to you, don't you?
After Johnson asked if he was threatening him, Cummings replied, “Yes, I was threatening you.”
The following October, Cummings was contacted by his allies who told him that “fine nuggets of gold were falling into our arms.”
It was footage from a mock press conference at the height of the second Covid lockdown showing Allegra Stratton, the Prime Minister's press secretary, joking about parties in Downing Street.
Cummings and his associates then told the story to the Daily Mirror, setting off a chain of events that led to Johnson being investigated by police and senior civil servant Sue Gray and accused of lying to the DPR on whether Covid regulations had been breached.
Mr Johnson and Mr Cummings are said to have argued over Boris's then-wife Carrie Symonds.
Mr Cummings set off a chain of events which led to an investigation by police and senior civil servant Sue Gray (pictured) into Mr Johnson.
Mr Cummings was quoted as saying: “We can trick the person into lying about it. He will just tell everyone to deny everything.
After Johnson repeatedly insisted that “all guidelines had been followed,” Cummings reportedly responded, “When the truth comes out, it will destroy him.”
This fury contributed to the political pressure on Johnson that led to his resignation as prime minister in 2022.
Last night, former minister Nadine Dorries, a close Johnson ally who wrote about Cummings' role in Johnson's downfall last year in her best-selling book The Plot, said: “This is the version of events by Cummings. Boris has never knowingly lied to Parliament or anyone else. He was a Prime Minister doing his job, relying on the people who ran Downing Street and the Cabinet Office, people like Sue Gray and others, to keep him informed of what was happening.
“Those whose job it was to provide the facts and protect the integrity of government lied to him. This is exactly what I expressed in The Plot which Cummings debunked.
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