PEMRA refutes ban on PTI founders' names, files reply in Lahore High Court

The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has submitted a written response to the Lahore High Court, denying any direction or ban on broadcasting the name of the founding chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on television, Imran Khan.
The response came as Justice Farooq Haider heard a petition filed by PTI member Akmal Khan Bari alleging restriction on the use of the PTI founder's name in television shows.
PEMRA, however, clarified that it has not issued any notification or order to this effect.
In its detailed report to the court, PEMRA said the petitioner failed to present evidence of any such restriction imposed by the regulatory authority.
PEMRA also argued that the petitioner's case was pending in its own proceedings and hence the petition before the Lahore High Court was inadmissible.
The federal government's lawyer supported this view, stating that according to the PEMRA order, the matter cannot be heard in court.
As the petitioner's lawyer was absent, an assisting lawyer informed the court about the lawyer's engagements with the Supreme Court.
Following these proceedings, the court adjourned the case sine die.
The petition claims that the news channels are violating fundamental rights by refraining from mentioning the name of the PTI founder and urges the court to order the media to lift the alleged restriction.
Imran Khan receives all jail facilities, says IHC
The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Monday dismissed the petition seeking better facilities and access to meetings for former Prime Minister (PTI) Imran Khan after jail authorities assured the court.
Justice Arbab Mohammad Tahir issued the written order after hearing the petition filed by Noreen Niazi, Express News reported.
The written order stated that the Adiala Jail authorities had provided all necessary facilities to Imran Khan as per the judicial directions and jail rules.
The detailed report submitted to the court by the Superintendent of Adiala Prison assured that Khan, like other prisoners, had been given the opportunity to meet visitors, which had earlier been restricted by the Punjab Home Department in due to concerns about terrorist attacks.
Additionally, prison authorities mentioned that Khan had appointed a coordinator, as per court orders, for any future appointment requests.
The deputy superintendent of the jail clarified that Khan, along with other prisoners, had been provided with all the amenities of the jail as per rules and the assurances had been given as per the court order.
Lawyers representing the petitioner said they were satisfied with the prison authorities' statements and the court order. As a result, the petition calling for improved facilities and unrestricted visits was rejected.
Last month, IHC asked the Deputy Superintendent of Adiala Prison to ensure that Imran Khan is provided with all the facilities he is entitled to as per the prison manual.
The hearing was held in response to a demand by Noreen Niazi for better facilities for the PTI founder in prison. The DIG of Prisons and Deputy Superintendent of Adiala Prison appeared before the court.
Lawyer Shoaib Shaheen said the PTI founder was not even allowed to call his sons. The Deputy Superintendent of Adiala Prison informed the court that the prison manual does not allow WhatsApp calls.
In response, Justice Arbab Muhammad Tahir said: “Whether it is a WhatsApp call or any other method, you have to ensure that communication takes place. » Shoaib Shaheen added that the PTI founder had earlier been allowed to speak with his sons over the phone.
Sources 2/ https://tribune.com.pk/story/2508896/no-ban-on-broadcasting-imran-khans-name-pemra The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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