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Trkiye suspends trade in response to Israeli attacks on Gaza

Trkiye suspends trade in response to Israeli attacks on Gaza


President Recep Tayyip Erdoan said Wednesday that Trkiye had provided the strongest response to Israeli actions in Palestine, including stopping trade.

Ankara suspended all trade with Israel in May, citing the escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where Israel has killed more than 43,000 Palestinians since last October.

As long as arms deliveries continue, Israel will be more aggressive. Every day Israel is not stopped, the situation in Palestine and Lebanon gets worse, Erdoan told reporters on his flight home after visits to Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan.

One of the concrete steps that can be taken against Israeli attacks is to work towards recognition of the State of Palestine, he stressed, adding: “Without a two-state solution, peace and stability will not reach the region.

Trade restrictions and sanctions against Israel constitute another form of struggle. Active diplomacy to corner Israel in all areas and increase diplomatic pressure is also crucial. We are in the midst of a great test for humanity. Passing this test is only possible by being part of the humanitarian alliance. Otherwise, history will judge both those who stood with Israel and those who remained silent in the face of oppression.

Erdoan also said Ankara's initiative at the UN to prevent the shipment of arms and ammunition to Israel was supported by 52 countries and two international organizations.

We recently sent a letter on this initiative to the President of the United Nations General Assembly, the President of the Security Council and the Secretary-General of the United Nations. At the (joint Arab-Muslim) summit in Riyadh, it was decided to invite all organizations and all members of the Arab League to sign our letter. Our country's measures to end the massacre and its humanitarian aid efforts were praised, he added.

The Turkish president also highlighted that he had the opportunity to hold bilateral meetings during the summit, including with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, adding that they had a fruitful meeting.

Noting that he also held bilateral meetings in Baku, Azerbaijan, during the UN Climate Change Conference COP29, Erdoan said these meetings included discussions on bilateral relations and regional developments.

Critical climate issues

Regarding Trkiyes' zero emissions target for 2053, Erdoan said: The climate issue is one of the most critical issues facing the world. Just as we care about wars, conflicts and migration, we approach this issue with the same seriousness.

Trkiye constantly discusses the measures we can take with the relevant ministries. We have taken, are taking and will continue to take measures to use the world's limited resources as efficiently as possible and to raise the civilization that we have developed over the centuries to a much higher level.

Trkiye cares about this issue and is doing everything possible to do its part. However, it is not possible to find a fundamental and lasting solution to this problem with the efforts of us alone or of a few countries combined.

He called for collective action to shoulder the burden of climate-related efforts.

If some countries fully engage in the fight against climate change while others, driven by greed, ignore necessary measures or even increase pollution, we will not be able to overcome this problem, Erdoan warned.

President Erdoan added that the importance of the Zero Waste initiative, launched by Trkiye, is increasingly recognized every day and efforts are being made to spread it and make it a way of life.

The initiative, launched in 2017 under the leadership of first lady Emine Erdoan, aims to raise awareness of the importance of waste disposal in the fight against climate change.

Connections with the United States

Regarding the new US administration, Erdoan expressed hope that Donald Trump's inauguration in January would begin to put relations between Ankara and Washington on a different track.

Without a doubt, there are still opportunities between the two countries. Our fundamental expectation is to evaluate these opportunities and take actions that will benefit both countries.

The Trump administration considers the economy one of its top priorities. Trkiye, with its strategic geographic location and young population, is a country that offers investment opportunities. We can create new opportunities to increase the volume of trade and encourage investment between the two countries. Particularly in the areas of energy, infrastructure and technology, we can develop new collaborations, he stressed.

Erdoan also expressed hope that President-elect Trump would take different measures for the region.

Asked about possible future meetings with American billionaire Elon Musk, one of Trump's biggest supporters, Erdoan said: The technological advancements made by Trkiye attract worldwide attention. Technology is not a field in which you can progress alone; you need collaboration. If opportunities for cooperation arise in this area, steps could be taken with Musk.

Normalization with Syria

Speaking about possible reconciliation with Syria, Erdoan said Trkiye is committed to normalization, expressing his belief that this would open the door to peace and stability in the Syrian territories.

Cross-border operations are still possible for the country's security, he said, saying he is ready to launch them whenever the country feels threatened.

Trkiye has launched several cross-border operations in recent years, both in northern Syria and northern Iraq, targeting terrorists hiding there and destabilizing the border or preparing attacks on Turkish soil.

Reiterating Trkiyes' commitment to fighting terrorism while respecting Syria's territorial integrity, Erdoan said the presence of terrorist groups in northern Syria, including the PKK/PYD/YPG, also poses a threat for its territorial integrity, adding that the Syrian government, well aware of this, must take measures to create a new climate in the country.

Erdoan also said the threat from Israel, right next to Syria, was no fairy tale, warning that fires in surrounding areas could quickly spread to unstable lands.

During its 40-year terrorist campaign against Trkiye, the PKK, considered a terrorist organization by Trkiye, the US and the EU, was responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children and infants. The YPG is a Syrian offshoot of the PKK.

In northern Syria, Ankara has successfully launched three anti-terrorist operations since 2016 to prevent the formation of a terrorist corridor and allow the peaceful settlement of residents: Euphrates Shield (2016), Olive Branch (2018). ) and Source of Peace (2019). ).




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