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Karoline Leavitt named Donald Trump's White House press secretary | Trump administration

Karoline Leavitt named Donald Trump's White House press secretary | Trump administration


Donald Trump named his White House press secretary on Friday, placing Karoline Leavitt, a 27-year-old enthusiast from his entourage, in a position to aggressively defend him.

The White House press secretary's job is generally to help inform the American people about presidential activities without betraying the boss's trust.

Karoline is intelligent, tough and has proven to be a very effective communicator. I have the greatest confidence that she will excel on the podium…, we read in the press release.

The challenge for Leavitt will be to disseminate reliable information and gain credibility with journalists, while maintaining strong loyalty to Trump. Leavitt has been seen as a staunch, camera-ready Trump defender who is quick to and aggressively defends the president-elect in television interviews.

In a June interview on CNN This Morning, Leavitt found himself embroiled in a heated exchange with host Kasie Hunt, bashing Dana Bash and Jake Tapper for their biased coverage of Trump ahead of the highly anticipated debate between him and Joe Biden. Bash and Tapper had been moderators of this debate. Hunt abruptly ended that interview after Leavitt refused to be sidetracked.

Leavitt will be the youngest person to hold the title of White House press secretary. Ron Ziegler was previously the youngest press secretary at age 29 when Richard Nixon gave him the job in 1969.

Leavitt, a New Hampshire native, was deputy press secretary during the latter part of Trump's first term, from 2017 to 2021.

When Trump was defeated by Joe Biden in 2020, Leavitt became communications director for Elise Stefanik, the Republican U.S. Representative, who was chosen by Trump as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Leavitt ran for a seat in the United States House of Representatives from New Hampshire in 2022, winning the Republican primary. She lost the general election to Democrat Chris Pappas, but the experience appears to have given her valuable public speaking experience.

She joined the Trump 2024 campaign and served as the lead spokesperson for the president-elect's transition team.

Trump had four press secretaries during his 2017-2021 term: Sean Spicer, Sarah Sanders, Stephanie Grisham and Kayleigh McEnany. Spicer got into trouble with the White House press corps during his first appearance in 2017 after falsely claiming that the crowd gathered in Washington DC for Trump's inauguration had been the largest audience ever to attend an inauguration , period, both in person and around. the globe.

Spicer was replaced after just six months in the role, making it the sixth shortest tenure since the position was created in 1929, according to data from the White House Transition Project. The average duration is just under three years.

Sanders, who is now the Republican governor of Arkansas, received praise from Trump for his press parade.

After Sanders left, Trump turned to Grisham, who never held a briefing, who she said was under Trump's direction. Grisham resigned after the events of January 6, 2021, and is now a vocal critic of Trump.

Trump's last chief White House spokesperson was McEnany, who fought with reporters during the pandemic year of 2020 and is now an on-air personality at Fox News.




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