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Reading of President Joe Biden's meeting with President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China

Reading of President Joe Biden's meeting with President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China


President Joseph R. Biden Jr. met today with President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in Lima, Peru. This meeting is the third between the two presidents and follows their telephone call on April 2, 2024. The two leaders had a frank and constructive discussion on a range of bilateral, regional and global issues, including areas of cooperation and areas of divergence.

President Biden emphasized that American investment in sources of domestic strength and alignment with partners and allies around the world are central to his administration's foreign policy approach. He welcomed efforts to maintain open communication channels with the PRC in order to manage competition responsibly and prevent it from escalating into conflict or confrontation.

The two leaders reviewed bilateral relations over the past four years and took stock of efforts to responsibly manage the competitive aspects of the relationship and advance areas of cooperation since the Woodside Summit in November 2023, in particular the fight against narcotics, military-military communication, activities linked to artificial intelligence. risks, climate change and exchanges between peoples.

In the fight against narcotics, both sides affirmed the importance of coordinated and continued actions in law enforcement, exchanges of information to identify new and emerging trends in drugs and drugs. regulatory actions. President Biden praised the PRC's scheduling of the introduction of 55 dangerous synthetic drugs and chemical precursors, the shutdown of online platforms and companies that supply chemical precursors, and arrests related to the illicit chemical industry, and he called for additional measures in the coming period. Both sides welcomed the resumption over the past year of high-level military communications, defense policy coordination talks between the United States and China, meetings of the military maritime consultation agreement between the United States and China and engagements between theater commanders. Both leaders affirmed the need to maintain these communication channels.

Building on frank and constructive dialogue on AI and mutual co-sponsorship of resolutions on AI at the UN General Assembly, the two leaders affirmed the need to address the risks of AI systems , improve AI security and international cooperation, and promote AI. for the good of all. Both leaders affirmed the need to maintain human control over the decision to use nuclear weapons. The two leaders also stressed the need to carefully consider potential risks and develop AI technology in the military domain in a careful and responsible manner.

The two leaders also exchanged views on key regional and global challenges. President Biden condemned the deployment of thousands of DPRK troops to Russia, a dangerous expansion of Russia's illegal war against Ukraine with serious consequences for peace and security in Europe and the Indo-Pacific . He expressed deep concern over the PRC's continued support for Russia's defense industrial base. President Biden underscored the United States' commitment to international law and freedom of navigation, overflight, and peace and stability in the South China Sea and the East China Sea. On Taiwan, President Biden emphasized that the United States' One China policy remains unchanged, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three Joint Communiqués and the Six Assurances. He reiterated that the United States opposes any unilateral change in the status quo on either side, that we hope that disputes between the two sides will be resolved by peaceful means, and that the world has an interest in peace. and stability in the Taiwan Strait. He called for an end to the PRC's destabilizing military activities around Taiwan.

President Biden expressed concerns about the PRC's unfair trade policies and emphasized that the United States will continue to take necessary measures to prevent advanced American technologies from being used to undermine U.S. national security or their partners, without unduly limiting trade and investment. The President emphasized the importance of human rights and the responsibility of all nations to uphold their human rights commitments. He stressed that it remains a priority to resolve cases of U.S. citizens unjustly detained or subject to exit bans in China. The President expressed deep concerns about ongoing cyberattacks in the PRC targeting critical civilian infrastructure and threatening the safety and security of Americans.

Building on the Bali and Woodside meetings, the two leaders stressed the importance of responsibly managing the competitive aspects of the relationship, preventing conflicts, maintaining open lines of communication, cooperating in areas of common interest, to respect the Charter of the United Nations and to deal between all countries. with respect and find a way to live together in peace. Both leaders reiterated the importance of maintaining a strategic communications channel to manage relations responsibly and called for continued use of diplomatic, military, law enforcement, commercial and financial channels.





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