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Donald Trump Jr. emerges as a political force in his own right as he helps his father launch a second term

Donald Trump Jr. emerges as a political force in his own right as he helps his father launch a second term


NEW YORK (AP) When Donald Trump, House Speaker Mike Johnson, Elon Musk and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently toured aboard the president-elect's plane to enjoy McDonald's burgers and fries , Donald Trump Jr. sat in the center of it. power quartet.

The central place occupied by Trump's eldest son, as seen in a photo widely shared online, reflects how Trump Jr. has become a prominent player in his father's political orbit and a potential heir to his movement Make America Great Again.

For the son of a president-elect, Trump has already had an outsized impact on the next White House. He lobbied for the former president to choose his good friend, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, as his running mate.

I used 10,000 percent of my political capital, Trump Jr. said of his efforts in an interview with Tucker Carlson on election night. I might get a favor from my father around 2076. I used it all.

As honorary chairman of the Republican president-elect's transition team, Trump Jr. is part of a select group of people who decide who will fill the top jobs in the next White House, and his imprint is clear.

Trump Jr. particularly insisted that former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, whom the president-elect chose as director of national intelligence, and Kennedy, who is expected to lead Health and Human Services, be nominated.

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Another close ally, Sergio Gor, will head the personnel office. He and Trump Jr. run a publishing company, Winning Team Publishing, which has published two of the former president's books.

The younger Trump said he has no plans to join his father's administration like his younger sister Ivanka Trump did during Trump's first term. His brother Eric is also honorary president of the transition but has not been as much of a political actor. Eric's wife, Lara, was more involved, serving as co-chair of the Republican National Committee.

Trump Jr. is expected to continue to be a strong supporter of his father and his agenda and has made clear he wants to be an influential voice from the outside, according to a person familiar with his thinking who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss it. internal planning.

The impetuous, indelicate and pugilistic style of the president-elect is distilled in his son. Donald Trump Jr. often takes a more aggressive approach than his father, in his calls for disrupting government as usual, in his enthusiastic delving into the culture wars, and in his enthusiasm for trolling.

He's probably the best embodiment of the Republican Party's hard-line attitude, said Scott Jennings, a Republican political strategist.

Trump Jr.'s demeanor and the way he communicates doesn't make him seem like an ordinary political figure, Jennings said, and that's part of his appeal.

I think that's one thing about the Trumps that is probably largely true, but certainly true for him: They just don't participate in the normal political pablum that pre-Trump politicians were groomed or groomed to do.

The 46-year-old is fluent in the online world of conservative politics and sensitive to the cultural issues of interest to the MAGA faithful.

Posts on the Trumps X account, where he has more than 13 million followers, are often peppered with exclamation points and emojis. On Instagram, he posts conservative memes prolifically.

He oscillates between interviews on established outlets like Fox News and a series of podcasts influential among young conservatives, and he hosts his own twice a week, Triggered With Don Jr. During the campaign, he pushed the former president to make appearances on podcasts. as part of an effort to reach young men, including the popular Joe Rogan podcast.

Trump Jr.'s aggressive style particularly appeals to younger men.

I think that's one of the reasons why a lot of these young men like it, because that's how they talk, Jennings said.

Trump Jr. has said he has no plans to run for office himself, but he is working to build the next generation of his father's movement, encouraging like-minded and talented Republicans in communication.

Beyond his political activity, the father of five is also executive vice president of the Trump Organization's main family business, launched a new crypto platform and recently announced he was joining a private equity firm. risk that invests in companies with a conservative vocation.

Previously, Trump Jr. appeared with his father on The Apprentice, the reality show that helped propel the billionaires' first presidential campaign. When Donald Trump launched his bid for the White House in 2015 and faced skepticism from swathes of the Republican Party, Trump Jr.'s efforts helped his father gain more support, particularly among conservatives who saw someone 'one who espouses their views and as an avid hunter and fisherman who is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.

Since then, he has been increasingly visible in Republican politics, campaigning not only for his father but also for like-minded candidates. He supported Vance in his 2022 Ohio Senate race, urging his father to do the same, and this year he gave his overwhelming support to Republican Senate candidates Jim Banks in Indiana, Bernie Moreno in Ohio and Tim Sheehy in Montana.

Trump Jr. helped build a relationship with Kennedy as the Democrat-turned-independent suspended his presidential campaign, working to bring him into the MAGA fold and support his father. He floated the idea of ​​Kennedy joining the administration early on, saying in an interview with conservative host Glenn Beck that I loved the idea of ​​Kennedy joining the Trump White House.

“I like the idea of ​​giving him some sort of role in some sort of major three-letter entity or whatever and letting him blow up,” Trump Jr. said, a reference to the agencies' many initials governmental.

The two men hit it off, and Trump Jr., an avid outdoorsman, shared footage on social media in October of a day he spent with Kennedy enjoying the latter's favorite pastime: falconry.

Anti-vaccine activist Kennedy's choice to lead the nation's public health agencies is sure to face intense scrutiny during the Senate confirmation process, even with a Republican majority.

Trump Jr., in a recent interview on Fox News, acknowledged that some of his father's choices would be pushed back.

They are going to be real disruptors, he said. This is what the American people want.




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