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Pakistan: 5 people killed in clashes between thousands of Imran Khan supporters and police

Pakistan: 5 people killed in clashes between thousands of Imran Khan supporters and police


Pakistan's military was ordered to “shoot on sight” after clashes with protesters killed four soldiers and at least one protester, according to reports.

Violence erupted when protesters demanding the release of jailed former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan entered the capital Islamabad on Monday evening, defying efforts by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif's government to quell nationwide protests .

Television channels reported that four paratroopers had been “martyred” and that the army, under Article 245, had been deployed and authorized to “shoot on sight.”

Zulfi Bukhari, a spokesman for Khan's political movement, said one of the protesters was killed and 20 others injured as authorities confronted the demonstrators.

Authorities did not immediately comment on Bukhari's statement, but earlier Monday blamed Khan's supporters for the unrest, noting that one police officer was killed and more than 119 injured.

The largest convoy, led by allies of the former prime minister of the country's northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, had removed roadblocks along the highway leading to Islamabad after authorities attempted to disperse them using tear gas, according to Pakistani government officials.

Authorities had earlier said that hundreds of Khan supporters in several cities had been arrested during protests and skirmishes. These injuries included gunshot wounds, according to Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi.

The marches began on Sunday with Khan's encouragement. He remains in detention although courts have granted him bail or suspended his sentence in some of the cases against him.

Khan, a former cricket star, has been in jail for over a year. He faces more than 150 cases related to his tenure as prime minister, ranging from corruption to incitement to violence and abuse of power.

All educational institutions have been closed in Islamabad due to security concerns, according to a notice from the local administration. The government also suspended mobile phone services in some areas and banned gatherings of more than five people in the capital.

Naqvi, the interior minister, told reporters after attending the officer's funeral on Monday that dozens of police officers had been injured in Islamabad, including two in critical condition, and that protesters had set vehicles on fire.

He signaled in a later briefing that he intended to hold Khan directly responsible, saying that “those who called for the protest and supported it are responsible for the casualties among the police officers.” Naqvi also said authorities would arrest protesters who tried to approach the capital's red zone, where the highest government offices and Parliament are located, as well as the residences and embassies of the president and prime minister. .

Usman Anwar, police chief of Punjab province, told reporters that 119 police officers had been injured in several incidents in the region, located just south of the capital.

The new protests pose a challenge to Sharif's government, which has tried to focus on restructuring and reforming the country's weak economy under a loan and reform program run by the International Monetary Fund.

The government estimates that the unrest costs the economy about 144 billion rupees ($518 million) daily, according to Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb.

In addition to his release, Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party wants Sharif's government to overturn a new law that it says gives the government the power to interfere in court cases.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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