Six killed as Imran Khan supporters breach security to reach central Islamabad

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Thousands of Imran Khan supporters have reached the heavily fortified square in the center of the capital Islamabad, defying the lockdown and government ultimatums to demand the release of the jailed former prime minister.
At least six people, including a police officer and members of the security forces, died during the protest march outside Parliament that began on Sunday for a sit-in demanding Mr Khan's release.
Mr Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, imprisoned since last year, said two of its supporters were killed and dozens injured in clashes with police.
The government has imposed a strict lockdown on the capital for the past three days to prevent protesters from reaching the capital. All major highways and roads were blocked by shipping containers, concrete barricades and security personnel. Mobile data has been suspended in some areas.
The convoy of protesters clashed with security forces on Tuesday and broke through the high walls of containers positioned in several places to prevent them from reaching D-Chowk, an intersection in the heart of the capital called the red zone.
This highly sensitive area is home to government buildings, the Supreme Court, parliament and embassies.
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Bushra Bibi, center, wife of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan, and leaders of Khan's party lead their supporters in a rally demanding Khan's release (AP)
Security forces, who invaded the city to maintain public order on government orders, fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters to try to disperse them.
After the convoys entered D-Chowk, the Interior Ministry said the army had been deployed to protect diplomatic missions in the walled area where many government buildings and embassies are located.
He added that a curfew could be imposed and paramilitary troops would be called in to block protesters.
Mr Khan's wife, Bushra Bibi, who led the march with his top aide Ali Amin Gandapur, headed to D-Chowk in a heavily guarded convoy that included a large truck full of supporters. Mr Khan called the march a final call.
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Paramilitary soldiers fire tear gas shells to disperse Imran Khan supporters (AP)
This follows outrage by Shehbaz Sharif's government over the deaths of law enforcement personnel after troops were run over by vehicles on Monday. The government accused protesters of crushing troops on a street known as Srinagar Highway in Islamabad.
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif denounced the deadly attacks on Tuesday, saying an anarchist group was deliberately targeting law enforcement, accusing supporters of Mr. Khan's party of attacking Mr. Khan's supporters.
This is not a peaceful demonstration. This is extremism, Sharif said in a statement, condemning the bloodshed as aimed at achieving evil political designs.
The PTI denied the protesters' involvement and said many of them had instead helped the Rangers.
He added that paramilitary rangers fired live ammunition at protesters in Islamabad, killing two people and injuring four others.
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Pakistani Rangers in riot gear stand guard to prevent an anti-government rally in Islamabad (REUTERS)
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Supporters of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party throw stones as police fire tear gas to disperse them (AP)
Participants claim to have seen at least six people being shot, two of whom died instantly and four of whom were taken to hospital, the party reported on X.
The Associated Press said dozens of Mr. Khan's supporters beat their videographer who was covering the protest and took his camera. He suffered a head injury and was treated in hospital.
Images from the scene showed a wall of shipping containers erected to prevent protesters from entering the capital. Columns of security personnel in riot gear stood guard along the capital's main roads, preparing for a large turnout.
Videos also showed convoys of buses, cars and trucks carrying supporters of Mr Khan, who chanted slogans and played music, crossing the blockades with containers strewn on the ground.
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A supporter of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party prepares to throw stones (AP)
At a press conference after midnight, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi threatened protesters that police would retaliate with live fire if demonstrators fired weapons at them after announcing the death of a member of the forces of order.
“If they fire bullets again, the bullet will be answered with a bullet,” he said.
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Supporters of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party gather to remove shipping containers to clear the way for their rally (Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)
The Interior Ministry announced the deployment of the Pakistani army in Islamabad in accordance with Article 245 of the constitution, which authorizes the use of force in cases of internal security concerns, riots or natural disasters , reported Geo TV.
Usman Anwar, police chief of Punjab province, said at least 119 other people were injured and 22 police vehicles were set on fire in clashes just outside Islamabad and elsewhere in the Punjab province.
Two police officers were in critical condition, he said.
Mr. Khan has been imprisoned for more than a year and faces more than 150 criminal cases. Despite this, he remains very popular, with his political party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, claiming that the accusations are politically motivated.
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Police officers fire tear gas to disperse Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party supporters during a protest (AFP via Getty Images)
Authorities say only the courts can order the release of Mr Khan, who was ousted in 2022 by a vote of no confidence in Parliament. He has been incarcerated since his first conviction in a corruption case, in August 2023, and has been convicted in several cases.
Police have arrested more than 4,000 of Mr Khan's supporters, including activists, since Friday.
Separately, police have filed a case against Mr. Khan, his wife and hundreds of senior PTI leaders for violent protests, including under the Anti-Terrorism Act.
Sources 2/ https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/south-asia/pakistan-army-islamabad-imran-khan-pti-protests-deaths-b2653804.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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