Erdoan denounces exploitative opposition and affirms MHP alliance
Addressing the Justice and Development Party (AKP) parliamentary group meeting on Wednesday, President Recep Tayyip Erdoan condemned the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) for exploiting a certain number of questions, from the debate on daycares to the fate of the unruly. graduated from a military school. Erdoan also expressed support for the People's Alliance that the AKP formed with the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), particularly in the fight against terrorism.
The AKP party and the CHP are long-time rivals, but their relations soured after the March 31 municipal elections. Erdoan, who had several meetings with the new CHP president, zgr zel, who succeeded the president's bitter rival Kemal Kldarolu, attacked zel in his speech.
Erdoan complained that the opposition was always trying to block his projects without doing anything for the country.
After a lengthy criticism of Kldarolu, who recently defended his insults against Erdoan's governments in a trial, Erdoan said the new CHP leader was no different from his predecessor. The confluence, ignorance and arrogance are unbearable, Erdoan said while denouncing the CHP over a debate on daycare.
The opposition party claimed the government was seeking to take over the operations of daycare centers run by CHP municipalities, while the government denied this and said it had simply reminded municipalities that daycare centers could not not operate as preschools and ignore the current curriculum.
This is what the CHP itself has stood for, Erdoan said, reiterating that the opposition party was seeking a verdict from the country's highest court against a regulation allowing municipalities to operate preschools. They don't know the difference between a preschool and a daycare. Trkiye is a state of law and you must obey the laws when you open a school. You can't break the rules. But they are seeking to exploit this matter for political purposes, Erdoan said.
Erdoan also criticized the CHP for its stance on the controversial video of a group of military graduates. Several graduates were photographed and filmed on the sidelines of a traditional swearing-in ceremony at a prestigious military academy in August, as they recited an interrupted oath. Their pose brandishing swords and shouting a slogan associated with the CHP sparked a public debate. When the army launched disciplinary proceedings, opposition parties rushed to support the graduates, saying the government could not tolerate the soldiers.
Erdoan said discipline is held in high esteem in the military and graduates are investigated for behavior contrary to the military's disciplinary rules. Who knows what these lieutenants might do in the future if they already disobeyed their commanders' orders? Erdoan said, pointing out that graduates were warned not to recite the interrupted oath before the ceremony, but ignored the orders.
We have suffered from coups and attempted coups. You cannot create heroes from those who behave contrary to disciplinary rules. Apparently, the CHP has not given up on involving the army in politics, he said in a thinly veiled reference to the party's past alongside putschists during coups from 1960 to 1997.
The CHP's ugly policies are on display in every challenge Trkiye has faced. I wonder if anyone had hope for themselves, themselves, or the future of the country in the face of the current sad state of the CHP. You cannot see a party capable of defending Trkiyes' national interests in the CHP. So how did the CHP win so many votes? » said Erdoan, referring to the municipal elections.
It's because of us, the AK Party. It's self-criticism. We need to introspect. Global challenges, coupled with our mistakes, forced millions to reluctantly vote for the CHP, he said.
Alliance with MHP
Erdoan also addressed the rumored division within the People's Alliance after the MHP leaders' unprecedented call on the imprisoned leader of the PKK terrorist group. Baheli requested the conditional release of Abdullah Calan in exchange for his speech in Parliament calling on the PKK to lay down their arms.
This alliance has overcome several challenges. Mr Baheli's courageous appeal has confounded opponents of the alliance. We sincerely discuss many issues with (Baheli) and fully agree on every issue in the interest of the country and the nation. We support his call, Erdoan said.
We will tear down the wall of terrorism between Turks and Kurds and we will give future generations a country where politicians will have no support from terrorists, he said.
Erdoan said that while the outlook on the issue did not hold out hope for a change in mindset within the PKK-linked People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), he said that They were still weighing their options. Erdoan assured the public that the fight against terrorism would continue until the last terrorist.
We will not allow terrorist networks, regardless of their support, he said.
Sources 2/ https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/erdogan-slams-exploitative-opposition-affirms-mhp-alliance/news The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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