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Oxford University welcomes PM Modi's 'PRAGATI' mission on digital governance

Oxford University welcomes PM Modi's 'PRAGATI' mission on digital governance


Oxford University welcomes PM Modi's 'PRAGATI' mission on digital governance

According to the report, “India has charted a path that other emerging economies can emulate.” (Deposit)

New Delhi:

A recent study by Oxford University 'From Gridlock to Growth How Leadership Enables India's PRAGATI Ecosystem to Power Progress' illustrates how Prime Minister Narendra Modi's initiatives have transformed the issues, monitoring and resolution of various government projects.

The report says India's PRAGATI platform offers a compelling case study on how digital governance can drive progress.

Pragati was launched in 2015 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and became an acronym for Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation of Projects. It has transformed the way India manages its large-scale infrastructure projects and social sector programs.

The Oxford University report has all the right words for the Prime Minister's initiatives: “The platform symbolizes India's commitment to overcoming bureaucratic inertia and fostering a mindset and Indian team culture of accountability and efficiency.”

PRAGATI has brought together various stakeholders from central and state governments on a single platform and this collaborative approach has been instrumental in tackling some of the most complex challenges in infrastructure development, from land acquisition to inter-ministerial coordination .

The initiatives leveraged real-time data, drone feeds and video conferencing to not only accelerate project timelines, but also ensure that development benefits reach even the most remote corners of the country.

The report states that the economic impact of PRAGATI is evident. According to studies by the Reserve Bank of India and the National Institute of Finance and Public Policy, for every rupee spent on infrastructure, India sees its GDP gain by 2.5 to 3.5 rupees. This multiplier effect highlights the critical role that well-executed infrastructure projects play in economic growth.

Additionally, the emphasis on rapid implementation has brought economic benefits, contributing to India's resilience in the face of global economic uncertainties. The ripple effects of PRAGATI have extended beyond economic growth. They have helped promote social progress and environmental sustainability. By accelerating projects providing essential services like roads, railways, water and power, PRAGATI has improved the quality of life for millions of Indians.

It has integrated sustainability into its core operations, facilitated faster environmental approvals and encouraged the use of green technologies. This holistic approach ensures that India's development is both inclusive and sustainable.

The report states: “The lessons of PRAGATI are particularly relevant as nations around the world grapple with the middle-income trap. The platform demonstrates that innovation in governance, combined with strategic investments in infrastructure, can create the conditions necessary for sustainable economic growth and social progress. “

He adds: “By embracing digital tools and fostering collaboration across all levels of government, India has charted a path that other emerging economies can emulate.”

In response to Oxford University's recognition of his initiative, Prime Minister Narendra Modi posted on X saying that “PRAGATI represents a wonderful amalgamation of technology and governance.”




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