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If Trump runs in 2024, he could launch his campaign on Bidens inauguration day


The sun is setting over Donald Trump’s futile effort to reverse his defeat to Joe Biden, forcing the president to devise a new strategy to keep the public attention he has held since entering the stage via escalator. politics in 2015. Even in the Post-Election, Trump continued to dominate media coverage with unsubstantiated allegations of widespread fraud, agitated press conferences by his lawyers, and a litigation blitz challenging the election results without foundation or evidence. . Judges have repeatedly dismissed the Trump campaign lawsuits, most recently in Philadelphia on Friday, and despite his continued refusal to concede, the president is already expected to look beyond his doomed post-election efforts and consider what will follow, including a possible 2024 candidacy.

Trump would consider announcing his intention to run again before the end of the years, a way to preserve relevance and political power as he exits the White House. This idea is apparently gaining traction among the president and his allies, with Trump not only speaking to advisers about a hypothetical race, but also about the specifics of a campaign launch, the Daily Beast reports, such as how he could most strategically plan his announcement so that to keep the Republican Party behind him for the next four years. In the past two weeks, the president has even floated the idea of ​​hosting a 2024-related event during Bidens inauguration week, possibly on inauguration day, if his legal effort to steal the 2020 election ultimately failed, according to the Daily Beast. As plans for a potential campaign launch materialize, Trump and his confidants would begin to assess the donor support he would have, or meet against, ahead of a run in 2024.

Presidents’ desire to stay in the spotlight and the GOP’s demand for loyalty appear to be driving his plans to run again, an intention he expressed in an Oval Office meeting with National Security Advisor Robert OBrien , Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike. Pompeo which occurred ten days after the election. If you do this and I think I’m speaking on behalf of everyone in the room, we were with you 100%, OBrien told Trump, while Pompeo and Pence were smiling and saying nothing, according to Bloomberg. The presidents’ top three advisers have fueled speculation about the White House’s potential, albeit to varying degrees. (Pompeo and Pence are seen as more serious GOP hopes than OBrien.)

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