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Jasprit Bumrah once thought of leaving India and playing for the Canadian cricket team, but was stopped by mother | Cricket

Jasprit Bumrah once thought of leaving India and playing for the Canadian cricket team, but was stopped by mother |  Cricket


Had Jasprit Bumrah's mother not stopped him, he could very well have been a Canadian cricket team player instead of India's pace spearhead. The right-arm fast bowler said after investigation that his Plan B was to move to Canada where his maternal uncle resides.

Jasprit Bumrah of Mumbai Indians (AFP)
Jasprit Bumrah of Mumbai Indians (AFP)

In an interview with his wife, Sanjana Ganesan on Jio Cinema, Bumrah revealed that there was some discussion about the now-defunct possibility of the fast bowler moving to Canada. “You wanted to go to Canada and start a new life there?” Sanjana, the fast bowler's wife, asked Bumrah.

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“We have had these conversations before. Every boy wants to grow up and play cricket. Every street has 25 players who want to play for India. You have to have a backup plan. Our relative lives there. I thought I would complete my studies in education and …my uncle lives there,” Bumrah replied.

The Mumbai Indians claim that if the plan had ultimately worked out, he might have tried to play for the Canadian cricket team. Bumrah also revealed how his mother's decision to oppose the plan ultimately prevented its failure.

“At first we thought we would go as a family, then my mother didn't want to go there because it is a different culture. I am very happy and very happy that everything went well. Otherwise I don't know if I would have tried to play for the Canadian team and do something there too. I am happy that it worked out here. I am playing for the Indian team and Mumbai Indians,” Bumrah said.

Fortunately, the decision turned out to be golden for the veteran pacer, who has now become the best bowling option for both the Indian team and its Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise Mumbai Indians (MI).

“I came to MI as a 19 year old, that year I didn't even expect to play the Ranji Trophy, but then John Wright saw me. Over the years I have grown here, we have had an interesting journey, we have won five titles. It was a great journey,” said the pacer.

Bumrah is currently regarded as one of the best all-format bowlers in the world and MI has played a huge role in his development. He made his debut in IPL 2013 but played only two matches but it was next year in a match against RCB that the pacer really caught the world's attention by clearing the great AB de Villiers and giving him a farewell giving, something which is rarely associated with Bumrah nowadays.

Since then, Bumrah has improved by leaps and bounds and has become one of the greatest fast bowlers. Bumrah has taken 150 IPL wickets at a staggering economy rate of just 7.35. For India, he has played 36 Tests, 86 ODIs and 62 T20Is, taking 159, 149 and 71 wickets respectively.




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