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Donald Trump has 24 hours to make a new legal decision (analyst)

Donald Trump has 24 hours to make a new legal decision (analyst)


Former President Donald Trump has about 24 hours to take another legal step in his criminal trial in Manhattan, a legal analyst said this week.

“A lot of us are wondering if he's going to try to go to the Supreme Court and get a stay because 10 days into the trial, they're hearing the presidential immunity arguments and it's already fast-tracked.” , Karen Friedman Agnifilo, a legal analyst and former Manhattan chief deputy district attorney, said Wednesday on CNN Newsroom. “So it’s something he can still do, even though time is running out.”

“If he doesn’t do it today or tomorrow, I think it will be ruled out and he will have to show up,” she added.

Newsweek reached out to Trump's spokesperson via email for comment.

The context:

Last April, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted Trump over alleged hush money payments to former adult film star Stormy Daniels, saying the former president “repeatedly falsified and fraudulently filed business records in New York to conceal crimes that concealed information harmful to voters in the election.” the 2016 presidential election.

Trump's trial is scheduled to begin April 15, and New York law requires defendants to be personally present during a trial on a criminal charge.

Former President Donald Trump in Doral, Florida on April 7. On April 10, a legal analyst said Trump had about 24 hours to take another legal step in his criminal trial in Manhattan. Former President Donald Trump in Doral, Florida on April 7. On April 10, a legal analyst said Trump had about 24 hours to take another legal step in his criminal trial in Manhattan. Arturo Jimenez/Anadolu via Getty Images/Getty Images What we know:

The former president continued to deny any wrongdoing in the matter and fought a gag order imposed against him by New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, who is overseeing the case.

Earlier this week, Trump suffered a legal loss while trying to delay the trial. His most recent attempt centered on challenging the gag order. However, a New York appeals court denied his attempts on Tuesday.

At a hearing Tuesday, Trump's legal team argued that the silence was an unconstitutional imposition on his free speech as he campaigns for the presidency. They had asked that the trial be delayed until a full panel of judges ruled on the gag order.

Views :

Neama Rahmani, president of West Coast Trial Lawyers and a former federal prosecutor, told Newsweek on Wednesday that Trump “won't stop trying to delay the New York trial.”

“Whether it's appealing, suing Judge Merchan directly, or taking other procedural steps to slow the case, Trump knows his best defense is to delay, because if he wins in November, he cannot be prosecuted,” Rahmani said.

“The appeals judges are aware of this strategy and appear skeptical of his statements. They questioned why Trump did not challenge the silence order weeks ago and why delaying the trial was appropriate even if the order was exaggerated. The same reasoning applies to its change.” “

And after:

Jury selection for the former president's criminal trial is expected to begin next week.

It's unclear whether Trump will continue his attempts to delay the trial or take his fight to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Uncommon knowledge

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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