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Tsitsipas sweeps aside Ruud to win Monte Carlo Masters for third time, then cries – KSNF/KODE

Tsitsipas sweeps aside Ruud to win Monte Carlo Masters for third time, then cries – KSNF/KODE


MONACO (AP) Stefanos Tsitsipas defeated Casper Ruud 6-1, 6-4 on Sunday to win the Monte Carlo Masters clay court for the third time in four years, before crying in his seat.

Tsitsipas sat with his head in his hands and cried briefly as he claimed his first title of the year and the biggest tournament victory in two years.

I am very proud of myself today. I have been waiting for such a moment for a long time, said the twelfth Tsitsipas, who ranked third in his career in 2021. I didn't know what was going to happen this week.

The high-performing Greek also won the title in 2021 and 2022, with this latest trophy at Monte Carlo Country Club taking him to a total of eleven career titles.

It's been very difficult, so to be back on the podium and winning tournaments just feels great, Tsitsipas said. The third time is even more special than the first or second time. This is an incredible victory for me. It was nerve-wracking to capture that win today, I really wanted to have this trinity.

It was his first trophy since August last year, when he won a modest ATP 250-level tournament on hard courts in Los Cabos, Mexico.

This was much more prestigious and he shared a warm hug at the net with Ruud, who is chasing his first title of the year and remains stuck in 10th overall.

The match featured former French Open runners-up and was an early indication of form heading into next month's clay-court major at Roland Garros.

Tsitsipas was an outsider entering this tournament, where he was seeded 12th.

But he beat Australian Open champion Jannik Sinner in the semi-finals, handing only his second defeat of the season and setting up a perhaps unexpected final against Ruud, who defeated Novak Djokovic in Saturday's other semi-final.

Tsitsipas took early control.

He broke Ruud's serve to hold the score at 3-1, then secured another break of service when eighth-seeded Ruud hit a loose forehand into the net from the back of the court. A nervous-looking Ruud made a double fault on set point.

Ruud improved in the second set and put pressure on Tsitsipas, who saved three break points and needed 13 minutes to hold serve in a tricky seventh game.

That seemed to be Ruud's last chance, while he also summarized his erratic match, in which he made too many unnecessary mistakes and failed to convert any of his eight break point chances.

Tsitsipas hit an ace to win his next service game, forcing Ruud to hold serve to stay in the match.

Due to an unforced error at 30-30, Ruud tapped a straight-forward looking backhand long to give Tsitsipas his first match point.

He seized the moment.

Tsitsipas dominated a brief rally and secured victory with a forehand winner, then slid onto his back with his arms outstretched and put his hands on his face.

I managed to get the point relatively well and ended up with the winner,” Tsitsipas said. I showed ruthless tennis. From start to finish my playing was coherent.

Tsitsipas will improve to No. 7 when the ATP rankings are released on Monday.


AP tennis:




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