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The LGBT+ government will discuss policies on transgender inclusion in football and cricket

The LGBT+ government will discuss policies on transgender inclusion in football and cricket


The policy on transgender inclusion in football and cricket will come under government scrutiny at a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

Culture Minister Lucy Frazer has convened a meeting of national sports governing bodies to discuss developments on this hugely controversial subject.

The policy of the FA and the Cricket Boards in England and Wales is currently under review, but currently allows transgender women to participate in female competitions under certain conditions.

Frazer told Sky News last month: I think it's really important that women can compete against women and there's an inherent unfairness, that if you're not biologically a woman you have a competitive advantage.

And I think a number of sports have looked at this very carefully and come to the conclusion that it is not appropriate to have women competing against people who are not biologically women.

We saw that while rowing. We saw that in swimming. And I would encourage other sports organizations to look at that very carefully.

Transgender women can compete in adult female competitions governed by the FA, provided their testosterone levels are within the birth range for women for an appropriate period of time.

The ECB's current transgender policy allows a trans woman to participate in any female-only competition administered by the ECB. It also states that these individuals should be accepted in the gender they identify with. The same principle applies at professional and English pathway level, provided the trans woman receives written permission to participate.

The ECB also has a separate inequality policy that can be applied if safety concerns arise around, for example, differences in strength, endurance and physique.

The policy addresses safety issues for all players regardless of gender, but where safety concerns arise as a result of a trans woman's participation in a women-only competition in recreational play, the practices, principles and procedures set out in the policy may set out are applied. .

Transgender women were banned from female cricket at international level last year following a policy change by the sport's global governing body, the International Cricket Council.

It joined a number of other international federations, such as athletics, swimming and cycling, in stating that anyone who has experienced any part of male puberty will no longer be eligible to play in international women's cricket.

Following the ICC announcement, the ECB said in a statement: We are currently consulting on our own transgender participation policy for the professional game in England and Wales and expect to reach a conclusion on this shortly.

A recent BBC survey showed that more than a hundred top sportswomen do not feel comfortable with transgender women competing in female categories in their sport.

An article published last month in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports also said the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was wrong on current evidence to say that its framework on transgender inclusion could not be a supposed benefit to transgender women.

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas is seeking to challenge World Aquatics rules introduced in 2022 that ban her from competing in the female category.

The rules will be challenged by Thomas' legal team in the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on the grounds that they are discriminatory and that such discrimination cannot be justified as necessary, reasonable or proportionate to achieve a legitimate sporting purpose reach.




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