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The athletics community is mourning the death of TSU football player Chazan Page after a collision in Nashville, Tennessee

The athletics community is mourning the death of TSU football player Chazan Page after a collision in Nashville, Tennessee


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – The Nashville athletic community is mourning the loss of 20-year-old Tennessee State University (TSU) football player Chazan Page, who died following an accident on Gallatin Pike.

According to Metro Nashville Police, Page was crossing Gallatin Pike near Marion Avenue around 1:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 14, when he was struck by a red sedan or small SUV.

TSU said the college senior was a Nashville native who attended Lipscomb Academy before serving as an offensive lineman for the TSU Tigers, allowing him to share the field with his brother for four seasons.

Martial arts instructor Chris White, who has known Page since he was in elementary school, told News 2 he believed Page was destined for the NFL.

“When I first heard it had happened, I didn't want to believe it. I just wanted to believe that maybe it was a bad dream,” said White, owner of Chris White's Extreme Martial Arts. “I just remember how kind-hearted he was, how well-mannered he was… When you see a kid, you can look at them and say, 'This is it, he's going to be somebody someday,' and that was him. Chazan was the one.

Neighbors in Inglewood recalled hearing the sound of cars speeding around the corner and speeding down Gallatin Pike early Sunday morning. Some say speeding in the area is an ongoing problem.

'I hear it while I'm trying to go to sleep. I hear people racing 11, 12, 1, it's all night… We call it Gallatin Beach because of the noise, but it becomes like Gallatin Raceway,” said neighbor Maria Andruschenko.

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Andrushenko recalled hearing a loud night-time gathering in a neighboring building on Saturday, April 13, which lasted until the next morning. She said she's not sure what can be done to stop speeding on Gallatin Pike, but she hopes this event will prompt drivers to be more careful.

“For this person who, after a great semester at school – he's a senior, I learned – is just trying to be in community with his friends and then goes home one night and then loses his life, it's just heartbreaking, Andrushenko said.

White urged anyone with information about the Gallatin Pike crash to contact police and help Pages' family find closure.

“Man, it's not fair to them, I mean, to lose their child so young, it hurts,” White said. “But I pray for the family; I just tell everyone to pray, lift up the family in prayers and give them strength during this difficult time.”

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Lipscomb Academy head football coach Jamie Graham told News 2 that a photo of Page was recently hung in their training facility. He also shared the following statement:

Chazan was a wonderful young man and a beautiful soul! The one thing about him that will never leave my mind is his smile. His smile lit up every room he entered. He was just a gentle giant and it hurts to know he is no longer with us. We are praying for the Page family and he will ALWAYS be loved and missed.

Authorities say the vehicle involved in the collision was traveling north on Gallatin Pike at a high rate of speed when the crash occurred and has significant front-end damage. If you know anything about this deadly incident, you are asked to call Crime Stoppers 615-742-7463.




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