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2024 college football transfer portal tracker: Cormani McClain leaves Colorado

2024 college football transfer portal tracker: Cormani McClain leaves Colorado


Transfer season is in full swing again in college football.

The spring transfer portal officially opened on April 16, allowing players to move after spring ball or even during their team's spring training.

Which players are on the move this season and which have already found a new home?

Let's take a look at the stars and highlights that test and convey the waters.

April 16

Colorado C.B Cormani McClain

McClain was one of the top prospects in the class of 2023 and made a late move to Colorado shortly after Deion Sanders took over as head coach there. McClain saw inconsistent playing time and even received a public admonishment from Sanders for his practice habits during his freshman season despite the Buffaloes' limited defensive back depth. However, McClain seemed to respond well to Sanders' tough love and saw more game action as the season progressed and his play improved, eventually earning four starts. That said, it appears that McClain has decided to leave Boulder, and given his elite five-star profile coming out of high school, he will attract a lot of interest.

State of Oregon RB Damien Martinez

Martinez is coming off perhaps the best season of anyone who entered his or her name into college football's transfer portal when it reopened Tuesday. He has been a key factor in Oregon State's rise in the Pac-12 over the past two seasons, with 2,167 rushing yards and 16 touchdowns on 355 attempts since the start of 2023. Martinez initially decided to stay in Corvallis when head coach Jonathan Smith left for Michigan State, but will now enter the portal as one of the most proven players available. Martinez will reportedly already visit several Power 5 schools, including Arizona, Mississippi State, Tennessee, Kentucky and Miami.

USC OL Jason Zandamela

Despite the proliferation of the transfer portal in recent years, a true freshman transferring before his first collegiate season is still virtually unheard of, barring a significant coaching change. Yet one of the top prospects in USC's 2024 recruiting class is doing just that, despite head coach Lincoln Riley and offensive coordinator/offensive line coach Josh Henson still heavily entrenched in Los Angeles. Zandamela, a four-star hotel from Mozambique, does essentially restarting his recruitment process from scratch.

Wisconsin QB Nick Evers

Evers, a top-10 quarterback recruit in the class of 2022, excited fans when he moved to Wisconsin to join new head coach Luke Fickell. However, Evers struggled to break through and never seriously competed for the starting quarterback job during his year-plus in Madison, and now leaves the Badgers without ever appearing in a game for them.

Iowa OT Lady Proctor

Just months after transferring to Iowa, Proctor is back in the portal. according to multiple reports. Proctor reportedly has a “do not contact” sign next to his name as he is believed to be returning to Alabama. The five-star 2023 recruit left Alabama following the retirement of Nick Saban in January.

Penn State WR KeAndre Lambert-Smith

One of the top receivers in the Big Ten is on his way. Lambert-Smith reportedly entering the transfer portal after not playing in Penn State's spring game on April 13. The fifth-year wideout has 126 career receptions for 1,721 yards and 11 touchdowns, while recording 53 receptions for 673 yards and four touchdowns last year.

Louisville RB Boone foam

Boone is on his way again. The fifth year in a row reportedly entering the transfer portal for the second time in four months. Boone, who started his college career at Maryland before playing the last two seasons at Toledo, transferred to Louisville earlier in the offseason. His 1,400 rushing yards were the eighth-best mark in the FBS last season, winning the MAC Offensive Player of the Year.

Texas A&M S Jacobi Mathews

Another Aggie fails to enter the portal, with Mathews joining the group of several players to seek a trade since Mike Elko became Texas A&M's head coach earlier in the offseason. Mathews is considered a top-100 recruit in the class of 2022 with 247 spots and had 42 combined tackles and an interception last season.

State of Ohio RB Dallan Hayden

The rising junior is reportedly entering the transfer portal. Hayden, who rushed for 553 yards and five touchdowns in 2022, didn't get many opportunities to produce in 2023 as he had just 19 carries. The four-star recruit from the Class of 2022 likely would have seen his number of carries decrease further when Tre'Veyon Henderson returned to Columbus, while former Ole Miss star Quinshon Judkins transferred to the school earlier this season.

Michigan WR Karmello English

The former four-star recruit enters the portal after one season in Ann Arbor, according to multiple reports. English had just one reception, a four-yard touchdown catch, during his freshman season at Michigan.

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