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Men's tennis rallies, from early deficit to Bryant defeat

Men's tennis rallies, from early deficit to Bryant defeat


SAN ANTONIO, Texas The New Orleans Privateers men's tennis team put together a tremendous rally from an early deficit in a 4-2 victory over the Bryant Bulldogs on Thursday at the McFarlin Tennis Center.

Lucas Joujan And Sergi Tintore both started a rally after trailing 5-2 in the first set. They both forced a tiebreak which they ultimately won. Joujan got an early break against Augustin Suarez, but Suarez broke Joujan's serve. However, Luke again found a way through Suarez's serve at 5–3 and did not relent as he held serve in the next game to earn a point.

Tintore rallied after a double break against Myles Peterson and used that momentum to take an early lead in the second set. With a 5-2 lead, Tintore served for the match and the true freshman pressed on for an outright victory against Peterson, who won 11-5.

It was an important part of a rally that saw the first point of the day lost. Bryant won matches on courts two and three to take the opening point of the match. That momentum was reflected in the very beginning of the singles match when Daniel Baquero won 6-2, 6-0 on flight six, giving the Bulldogs a 2-0 lead in the match.

Matthew Armbruster also picked up a single point for getting early service breaks in both sets. Armbruster broke Jose Davila's serve in the first game of the opening set and built a 5-2 lead in the second set. After Davila held serve, Armbruster served for the match.

The decisive point was won by the Southland Player of the Year Marcel Volz. After losing the first set to Otakar Ungerman, Volz came back and dominated the second set. He got an early break in the third set and stayed strong through the rest of the set as he propelled the Privateers to a semifinal against two-seed NJIT.


For 54 seasons, Privateer student-athletes have had the unique experience of carrying New Orleans on their chest. Like the city itself, our sports teams are fueled by resilience, perseverance and the unquenchable desire to win. Our city also hosts the biggest party in the country every year. And like a Mardi Gras parade, we are connected to our community by pride, tradition, a culture of acceptance and finally, our commitment to show that New Orleans is a world-class city to live, learn, play and work . We invite you to become more involved with the only university that truly represents New Orleans, all day, every day. Join #NOLAsTeam, we are your Krewe!


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