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Union clinch spot in Liberty League tournament with victory over RIT

Union clinch spot in Liberty League tournament with victory over RIT


| Box score 2 SCHENECTADY, ​​NY Weather took two days to complete game three in the Liberty League Crossover Series, but the Union College baseball team rallied Monday afternoon to defeat Rochester Institute of Technology 9-7 and take the final spot in the upcoming Liberty League tournament. .

Union returns to the Liberty League tournament for the first time since 2021 and the first time under head coach Johannes Müller. The Garnet Chargers will face Ithaca College on Thursday at 4:00 PM at RPI to open the double-elimination tournament.

After the game was called early in the fourth inning last night due to rain and the game was tied at three, the teams resumed play early Monday afternoon.

Sophomore Cooper Ames recorded the go-ahead run in the seventh inning with his second career home run and his second in five days. Ames went 3-for-4 with four runs scored, three RBIs and a triple short in the cycle.

RIT jumped out to a two-run lead in the first inning. A pair of walks put two runners on with two outs and an RBI double by Kyle Poorman gave the Tigers an early lead.

Union struck back in the second inning. A walk by Ames with two outs loaded the bases. Back-to-back RBI singles from senior Ryan Cowles and sophomores Liam McIlroygave Union a 3-2 lead.

RIT tied the score in the third inning. After a run to the corners, Trent Rapp scored on a fielder's choice. The game was stopped in the fourth inning when Sam Kulp came to bat with the score 2-0.

With the score tied at three in the bottom of the fourth, Ames hit a leadoff double to left center. A single from senior Thomas Parisi later in the frame, Union took the lead 4-3.

Union added three more points in the fifth stanza. Back-to-back walks followed by a sac-bunt by Strazza moved the runners to second and third base with no outs. Ames hit a two-run single up the middle to extend the lead. Late in the inning, McIlroy lined a single to left field to bring home Ames.

The Tigers tied the game in the top of the sixth inning. Three straight singles, followed by a double by Charlie Slaymaker, tied the game at seven runs apiece.

Ames broke the deadlock in the seventh inning with his second career home run and his second in five days. The sophomore swung on the first pitch and launched the ball over the right field fence, giving Union an 8-7 lead.

Union added another run in the eighth inning. Union loaded the bases with no outs. Senior Sebastian Pike hit a sack fly to center field and senior Kobe Mentzer drove home from third place.

Sophomore Alex Oppenheimer started the game and threw three innings on Sunday evening before the game was canceled. He fanned three and allowed three runs on four hits. Junior Aidan McGee picked up where Oppenheimer left off, throwing 2.2 innings with four runs on six hits and a strikeout. Senior Kyle Patlove earned his fourth win of the season with one hit in 1.1 scoreless innings. Junior Alex Erikson slammed the door shut with three strikeouts in two scoreless innings and one hit, picking up his second save of the season.

Union plays Ithaca at RPI on Thursday. A full preview of the tournament will be available on in the coming days.




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