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Softball splits opening day of 2024 SoCon tournament

Softball splits opening day of 2024 SoCon tournament


GROENSBORO, NC Western Carolina softball used an early offensive explosion and 10-hit power to advance to the double-elimination portion of tournament action with an 8-6 victory over sixth-seeded Furman in the opener at the 2024 Southern Conference Championship.

In Wednesday night's action, No. 3 seed Samford used a four-run third inning to lead the Bulldogs past the seventh-seeded Catamounts 5-2 at UNCG Softball Stadium.
Falling into the loser's bracket of the tournament, Western Carolina now finds itself in a must-win game on Thursday, with first pitch scheduled for 4 p.m. against Thursday's loser between No. 4 seed Mercer and top-seeded Chattanooga. Tournament match times are subject to change. Check, or WCU social media for any schedule changes.

Freshman Lily Bel had three hits in Wednesday's action, including her 21st multi-hit game of the season as part of the win over Furman. Bell also recorded her team-high 32nd stolen base of the season, along with her team-high 68 season hits.

Seniors Savannah Baldwin And Jeralynn Wells both posted two-hit games in the win over the Paladins and Wells added a pair of RBI in the setback for the Bulldogs. Tessa Juett connected on her fifth home run of the season in the opener. Kennedy Stewman, Taylor WaitleyAnd Sydney Dirks each had hits in game one, while Bell, Wells and Stewman got singles in the nightcap.

Junior Makenzie Martin pitched the final 5.1 innings against the Paladins and limited traffic to three hits and one run to earn the victory and followed that performance with four innings of work against Samford with two hits and two runs, along with one earned run.

GAME ONE: #7 Western Carolina 8, #6 Furman 6

After trading five-run spurts in the first two innings, a three-run burst in the middle innings and steady relief pitching from Makenzie Martin allowed Western Carolina to defeat the Paladins 8-6 and dispatch WCU against No. 3 Samford on Wednesday night.

With the win, WCU avenged a three-game regular season series sweep against the Paladins in March in Greenville, S.C.

Western Carolina wasted little time in their tournament curtain-raiser as Bell connected on an infield single before a Juett sacrifice moved up to second. Baldwin added a single earlier Taylor Waitley connected on an RBI single to give the Catamounts the early lead. Jeralynn Wells added an RBI single before an RBI groundout Sydney Dirks scored a third run. The inning ended with a throwing error by Paladins on a stolen base, making it 4-0 WCU after half an inning.

After a lead-off hit-by-pitch, Juett retired the next three Paladins to send the Catamounts back to the bat rack in the second.

Furman retired the first two WCU batters before Juett connected one and hit a line-drive home run down the right field line for a solo blast to extend the Catamounts lead to five. However, the Paladins answered WCU's early attack and erased the deficit with a five-run second inning to tie the score at five after two frames.

The Catamounts answered the Paladins' big inning with an RBI double from Sydney Dirks and an RBI single from Kennedy Stewman pushed the designated visiting team back in front 7-5 after three complete.

WCU continued its offensive explosion in the fourth inning when Baldwin added an RBI single down the right field line to plate Bell and extend the Catamounts lead to three, 8-5. Martin put the Paladins down 1-2-3 in the fourth to keep the lead at three.

In the bottom of the sixth inning, the Paladins pushed over an RBI groundout to make it a two-run game heading into the seventh. After the Catamounts were quietly obliterated in the top half of the frame, Martin wrapped up her victory, including the first two outs, on just two pitches before inducing a grounder to the right side to earn the victory.

Juett got the start and pitched 1.2 innings, but was ruled out after scattering six hits and five runs with a walk and a strikeout. Martin (1-13) went the distance in 5.1 innings, allowing three hits and one run with a strikeout, earning her first win of the year.

Sierra Tufts got the start for the Paladins, but was also not involved in the outcome, lasting just 1.2 innings while allowing five hits and five runs, four of which were earned in the no-decision. Lauralee Scott (1-5) pitched 1.1 innings and limited WCU to three hits and a pair of runs in the loss. Emme Buzhardt closed the game for Furman by going the final four innings with two hits allowed and a run with three strikeouts.

Gallery: (5-8-2024) 2024 SB Championship vs. Furman

GAME TWO: #3 Samford 5, #7 Western Carolina 2

Third-seeded Samford used a four-run third inning to erase Western Carolina's early 2-1 lead and never looked back as the Bulldogs advanced in the winners bracket by claiming the 5-2 victory in the four-game final on Wednesday night played on the first day of the tournament.

The Catamounts followed the same script as Wednesday afternoon's first game Lily Bel previously achieved on a single Tessa Juett And Savannah Baldwin loaded the bases in the top of the inning. Jeralynn Wells singled through the right side to score a pair of runs and give WCU an early 2-0 lead.

Samford answered with a run on a sacrifice fly to cut Western Carolina's lead in half at 2-1 after an inning of action.

After a scoreless inning and a half, Samford put together a decisive four-run frame, including a two-run double down the left field line, as the Bulldogs jumped in front 4-2 after three complete.

Kennedy Stewman reached base in the fourth on a two-out single that moved her to second base, but the Bulldogs quickly erased the threat and kept it a three-run game. Martin started her first flawless inning in the fourth and put Samford behind 1-2-3 with nice defensive work from Baldwin and Maya McPherson.

WCU sent the minimum to the plate in both the fifth and sixth innings, with Martin keeping WCU within striking distance by getting around a pair of runners on base in the fifth with a strikeout and pop-up and in the sixth she worked around a one-out ran without a hitch and sent the final frame with a 5-2 Samford lead.

Down to the final three outs, Samford quickly erased the Catamounts in the seventh, sending the Bulldogs to victory, 5-2.

Juett (13-15) got the start and pitched two innings, allowing two hits and three runs, two of which were earned against the Bulldogs. Martin returned to the circle and pitched the final four innings, allowing two hits with a pair of runs, including one earned on three walks with a strikeout.

Jordyn Partain faced just three batters in her start without recording an out with a single and two runs, along with a pair of walks. She was replaced by McKenzie Newcomb (9-3), who pitched the remaining seven innings, scattering two hits with a walk and seven strikeouts to give Samford the tournament victory.

Western Carolina (17-34) now turns its attention to an elimination game on Thursday (May 9), with first pitch scheduled for 4 p.m. WCU will face fourth-seeded Mercer or top-seeded Chattanooga, depending on the outcome with the loser joining WCU in the late afternoon session at UNCG Softball Stadium. Coverage of all tournament games will be available on ESPN+ (paid subscription required) and with live stats via

Stay up to date with all things Catamount softball and WCU Athletics through social media on Facebook (, Twitter (@Catamounts, @CatamountSB) and Instagram (wcu_catamounts, catamountsb), or visit




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