In a typical Islanders season in the 21st century, whether Garth Snow or Lou Lamoriello is at the helm, you get contract extension announcements for players who are loyal soldiers but perhaps have also seen too much combat.
But the 2024 NHL transfer deadline was notable because it didn't include a headline like “Islanders renew contract with Cal Clutterbuck.”
Could they finally be ready to unleash the trio formerly known as The Best Fourth Line in Hockey?
In practice, it's already happened, as Matt Martin has been scratched occasionally, Kyle MacLean, now on a three-year extension, has taken on the role of center on the fourth line and Casey Cizikas has been moved to the wing via scoring lines.
But are the Isles willing to go one step further by not offering Clutterbuck (and Martin) a contract? Or are they banking on one or both of them wanting to stay on the island so they can secure the money and role if and when other, more desirable attackers are brought in?
If a farewell is imminent, it's ironic that it comes after the oft-injured Clutterbuck had his healthiest season in a decade at age 36: He played all 82 games for the first time in his career, marking his highest-scoring season since 2018/19 delivered. . He also kept up the physical play, taking over the all-time hits record and surpassing 1,000 career games.
In a vacuum, Clutterbuck shouldn’t be a cap-breaker at this point and could be a useful fourth-line/part-time player, especially with his presence as a respected locker room conscience and culture guy. But the Islanders can’t improve without making upgrades where they can, and Clutterbuck’s UFA status offers one of the few opportunities to do so with so much of the 2023-24 roster locked in big-ticket deals that would be costly to move.
Also: Will the Islanders compete with so much cap clearing going on around the league? JG Pageau? Anders Lee? [THN]
NHL News
- The NHL announced some subtle but reasonable refinements to the rules. [NHL]
- The Canucks went dumping, the Blackhawks dumpster diving: Vancouver paid a 2027 second-round pick for Chicago to acquire Ilya Mikheyev and Sam Lafferty; the Canucks get a 2027 fourth-round pick as part of the trade. [NHL]
- The Canucks also re-signed Teddy Blueger to a two-year deal. [NHL]
- Take it easy, Linus Ullmark is trying to settle in Ottawa, so there have been no talks about a contract extension yet. [Sportsnet]
- On cleaning day, Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl reflect on the disappointment and highlights of losing to the Cup champions again. [NHL]
- So what now for hockey in Arizona? With the auction of land for a potential arena canceled, Alex Meruelo has terminated his right to revive the Coyotes. Gary Bettman set up a
farceface to praise Meruelo for doing the right thing. He walks away with a pile of dough. [Sportsnet] - Enjoy speculation about free agents Steven Stamkos and Jake Guentzel and trade candidates Mitch Marner and Martin Necas. [TSN]
- RIP Sergei Berezin, who played seven NHL seasons and once scored 37 goals in a season for the Leafs. [NHL]
- The Ducks are bringing back the duckbill mask logo, but sticking with it and going all-in on orange. [Sportsnet]
- Pretend to be excited that the trial will take place at Sphere in Las Vegas, one of those places that future archaeologists will examine and say: This is why this civilization ultimately failed, despite the vast amount of resources. [NHL]
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