Australia vs India: Mitch Marshs takes on Kohli, Border-Gavaskar Trophy | Cricket news
The much-awaited Border-Gavaskar Trophy kicks off at the Perth Stadium on Friday with India following a shock 3-0 defeat at home to New Zealand, aiming to continue their success against Australia by winning their third consecutive away match. under.
Australia may have defeated India in last year's World Test Championship final, but it has been a decade since they won a series against their great South Asian rivals.
Australia's star all-rounder Mitchell Marsh spoke to Al Jazeera Sport's Melinda Farrell from Perth ahead of the first of five Test matches.
Marsh is looking forward to playing in his first Test series against India since 2018.
Al Jazeera: Mitch, in the last 18 months Australia has won the World Cup and World Test Championship finals against India, but some of the players in this squad have never experienced a Test series win against India in a series. Is it an itch you really want to scratch?
Mitchell Swamp: I don't think there's an itch to scratch, but everyone is very excited to be in this series. There has been a huge build-up. And we've built a great rivalry with this team and the people in it, so we were all excited to continue and hopefully it's a very entertaining series.
Al Jazeera: Is it inconceivable that Australia loses three home games in a row against India? Does the possibility of a third straight defeat bring this series into even sharper focus?
Swamp: One of the real strengths of our team in recent times has been our ability to remain present in high-pressure situations, which will certainly happen during this series. When we look back on series we've lost and series we've won, or trophies we've won over the years, they're great memories. It is clear that the losses are not great. But right now it's just about focusing on this series. And we don't need any extra motivation to represent our country and play in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, so we won't look back. Stay present in the moment.
Al Jazeera: Is this the most vulnerable India has faced in a series against Australia in recent years, with heightened attention after the New Zealand series loss and question marks over the form of key Indian players?
Swamp: We have great respect for India. We know they are a fantastic cricket team. Every series you lose, you're always disappointed, so I'm sure they were disappointed when they lost to New Zealand. But for us it's about really focusing on what we're trying to achieve, the way we want to play, and going after that. We know that at our best we were a very good cricket team, just like them.
Al Jazeera: Will this be a bowlers series or a batters series?
Swamp: For me, hopefully not bowling! [laughs] Look, I think it's going to be a very even battle. Both teams have great bowling line-ups. The wickets in Australia in recent years have been great cricket wickets. There have been no big scores [in recent years]but ultimately we don't know. The best team wins the series by batting and bowling very well.
Al Jazeera: How important will your role be as a fourth seam, especially without Cameron Green in the squad?
Swamp: I'm looking forward to it. It's not new territory for me. I've been here many times. I feel very calm and I continue with my work. If you look at the number of overs bowled by the all-rounders in the last three to four years, it is not a lot, but they can be important overs. And for me, whether it's a few overs here and there, or 10 overs to 15 overs, it's just about competing and being very clear about my role and trying to give the boys a touch when it's necessary. I'm very relaxed about my bowling and where it happens, and I feel very well prepared. That feels good.
Al Jazeera: Indian superstar batsman Virat Kohli is, as always, under scrutiny but Australia often seems to bring out the best in him. Do you try to get under his skin or is it a matter of absolutely not poking the bear?
Swamp: He is the new Harley Reid [West Coast Eagles player in the Australian Football League]in terms of back pages. It's on the back page of the West Australian [newspaper] at this moment. It was fun to read. We know he is one of the best to ever play the game, and you don't become one of the best without being able to perform under pressure. So it's always a high stakes. We have a lot of respect for Virat, and hopefully we can keep him quiet throughout the series, but we know there will be times when he will be on top of us, and you respect that. I think you just look forward to the challenge of playing against guys like that.
Al Jazeera: That sounds like you shouldn't poke the bear.
Swamp: He's been poked a lot!
Al Jazeera: Will this be a test series where it can be a bit more like a road crowd? Newspapers publish articles in Hindi and Punjabi and there is a huge Indian fan base in Australia.
Swamp: I think it's fantastic. We know that the Indian cricket team is probably one of the greatest sports teams in the world, in any sport. Wherever they go, they receive tremendous support. Indian cricket fans are some of the best in the world, so the opportunity to play for them anywhere is always fantastic. I dare say we will still have a lot of Australian fans. It's been a huge build-up, and we know, especially with these big series, how much our fans get around us. So to see both groups of fans busy on the ground will be great to be a part of.
Al Jazeera: Last question, Mitch. What are your favorite memories from the Border-Gavaskar series, both watching and playing?
Swamp: Watched Australia win in 2004 when Gilly [Adam Gilchrist] was captain. It was just with its back against the wall, and the way they did it was pretty special. Watching it as a young child was great back then. And my first Test win was against India at Adelaide Oval [in 2014]. It was a really special week. It was my first Test at home, my third Test match. Gaza [Nathan Lyon] led us to victory. I took a catch in the outfield. I was a bright-eyed young boy and that was a very special moment. I sang the team song with my old man [father] in the middle of Adelaide Oval. It was very special.
The interview has been edited for length and clarity.
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