College football winners, Week 13 losers: Indiana, Tennessee lead
The only result that would have immediately knocked No. 5 Indiana out of the College Football Playoff was an all-out blowout against No. 2 Ohio State. The kind of loss that wouldn't have done much to move the needle in either direction was close, perhaps by possession, in one of college football's toughest road environments.
But this one falls right in the middle: The Hoosiers started strong, taking a 7-0 lead in the second quarter, but were buried by the Buckeyes defense, special teams and offensive talent in a 38-15 final that closed the gap between these two ploughing.
Now we wait until Tuesday for the first glimpse of how the playoff selection committee will treat Indiana with one loss.
The committee could hand the Hoosiers a devastating defeat by focusing on a weak schedule that includes just one win against an opponent with a winning record. When the Hoosiers first faced a legitimate candidate, they were unable to make a statement that the committee could not ignore.
Indiana gave up a season-worst 5.7 yards per play and cratered in the second half, allowing OSU to score on three of four possessions. Ohio State safety Caleb Downs returned a punt 79 yards for a score early in the third quarter to cut the lead to 21-7, a monumental special teams failure that doomed the Hoosiers. An offense Saturday ranked ninth nationally in yards per play and second in scoring, gaining just 151 yards — 75 of which came on a touchdown drive late in the fourth quarter by a score of 31-7.
On its own, a loss to Ohio State wouldn't be enough to automatically remove Indiana from the overall debate. It's the nature of this loss that could give the committee the ammunition to drop the Hoosiers in favor of another contender from the SEC or ACC.
Indiana, OSU and Tennessee lead Saturday's winners and losers:
It was just about a perfect day for the No. 11 Volunteers, starting with a 56-0 rout of Texas-El Paso. The good news doesn't stop there: Indiana's loss is good for Tennessee and No. 9 Mississippi's 24-17 loss to Florida is really, really big news in terms of opening a lane for the playoff. If the SEC places four teams in the race, the Volunteers are poised to join Texas, Alabama and Georgia if the quartet remains on duty through the end of the month.
Our Lady
No. No. 6 Notre Dame took care of business on both sides of the ball in a 49-14 win against No. 17 Army and moved one step closer to a playoff berth. Needing to play somewhere close to a perfect game, the Black Knights failed to get things going, had a punt blocked and lost the turnover margin. The Irish fight gained 462 yards of offense and held Army to a season-low 233 yards, winning nine in a row since a September loss to Northern Illinois. The Irish close things out next Saturday against Southern California after winning five of six games in the rivalry.
By beating Virginia 33-14, No. 12 SMU locks up the ACC Championship Game regardless of what happens next week against California. There's still plenty to play for, including the chance for an at-large bid with a loss to Miami or Clemson in the title game. But to nail down a trip to Charlotte as first-year members of the ACC and with no preseason hype makes this one of the most surprising success stories in recent Power Four history and easily one of the most memorable years in program history . The Mustangs haven't lost since turning the ball over three times in an 18-15 loss to No. 15 Brigham Young in early September.
The longest bowl drought in the Power Four is over: Nebraska topped Wisconsin 44-25 behind 198 yards of total offense from running back Emmett Johnson and will reach the postseason for the first time since 2016. Once 5-1, the Cornhuskers couldn't do that anymore. have the kind of breakout season that seemed possible halfway through. But getting to a bowl represents a huge step forward for the program and another notable achievement for coach Matt Rhule, who has taken over the tough situations at Temple, Baylor and Nebraska and led all three programs to the postseason.
Troubling Ole Miss confirms Florida's decision to bring back Billy Napier for another year, breathing some real life into a program that was on life support earlier this month. Facing perhaps the toughest schedule in the country, the Gators will be back in bowl play with a chance to really build some momentum heading into 2025. With freshman quarterback DJ Lagway, freshman running back Jadan Baugh, sophomore defensive back Bryce Thornton and others, Florida has a very nice core around which an SEC can be built contender.
State of Florida
For the first time since September the Seminoles played and won a football match. That the 41-7 win came against Charleston Southern of the Championship Subdivision matters less than the ultimate goal: FSU took the field against an opponent, played a football game and won. The Seminoles gained 415 yards, notably surpassing the 300-yard mark for the first time this season, while throwing multiple touchdowns without an interception, also for the first time.
Go on, Indiana. Make room, Ole Miss. Here's Saturday's most stunning score: Oklahoma 24, No. 7 Alabama 3. Playing as favorites by more than two touchdowns, the Crimson Tide were completely shut out by an opponent that struggled in a major way as new members of the SEC. Jalen Milroe was the textbook example of this struggle, completing just 11 of 26 throws with three interceptions while gaining just 7 yards on 15 carries. Although they are not productive through the air, the Soon ran for 257 yards, led by a pair of 100-yard performances by quarterback Jackson Arnold (131 yards) and freshman back Xavier Robinson (107 yards, two touchdowns). Alabama was expected to stroll into the SEC championship game and the playoffs with wins against Oklahoma and Auburn, but instead it will be very difficult to earn an at-large bid with three losses, no worse than Saturday night.
This loss to the Gators is a total disaster for Lane Kiffin and the Rebels with the playoff selection looming. Ole Miss would end up in the right spot for an at-large bid: good enough to finish in the SEC's top four, but not quite good enough to get into the SEC championship game, where a third-down loss could have been fatal. As it is, this loss to the Gators erases the Rebels from the playoff picture and represents the worst setback of the Kiffin era.
Kansas defeated No. 18 Colorado 37-21 to snap the Buffaloes' four-game winning streak and deliver a truckload of chaos to an already turbulent Big 12 title race. This is three wins in a row for the unlucky ones Jayhawkswho have lost six games by a combined 30 points but can pull out a bowl bid with a win at Baylor next weekend. Kansas is the first team with a losing record to defeat three ranked opponents in a row. But the biggest impact is on Colorado's playoff hopes, which are still alive with one game remaining until the Big 12 title game but will need a little help next Saturday to secure a top-two to secure the finish. The loss itself also highlights the Buffaloes' weaknesses: KU went for 331 yards on the ground at 5.8 yards per carry and never punted. Vastly underrated running back Devin Neal had 283 yards of offense and four scores.
Brigham Young
Also in the Big 12, the Cougars' 28-23 loss to No. 22 Arizona State guarantees that this will be a one-bid league for the playoffs. (This was already a pretty sure thing, but now it's official.) ASU tried to give this one away with some crazy fourth-down failures, including one with less than three minutes left that gave the Cougars a chance for a walk- off' victory; they reached the ASU 39-yard line before quarterback Jake Retzlaff was intercepted. Even after that stop, the Solar Devils fumbled around and gave the ball back to BYU with a second left after fans stormed the field and Retzlaff's desperation shot from midfield was caught just short of the goal line, leading to a second, more official fan storm. BYU has slumped in recent weeks, barely surviving against Utah and losing at home to Kansas, though they can still reach the Big 12 title game.
A promising season has been derailed and has officially hit rock bottom with a 37-9 loss at Louisville. This gives Pittsburgh four straight losses after a 7-0 start, albeit with some pretty lucky breaks against Cincinnati, West Virginia and California. Against the Cardinals, the Panthers lost quarterback Eli Holstein to an apparent leg injury on the game's second drive and essentially rolled over, trailing 27-0 at halftime and not getting on the board until deep in the third quarter.
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