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Cricket Australia boss, ex-NSW Premier Mike Baird on Australia Day, summer chaos, and David Warner; Indian cricket; Jay Shah; BCCI

Cricket Australia boss, ex-NSW Premier Mike Baird on Australia Day, summer chaos, and David Warner; Indian cricket; Jay Shah; BCCI



From our point of view there are certainly some lessons to be learned. “I don't think we've communicated that anywhere near well enough,” he said. So if the concept is that we are going to use young talent to prepare for future World Cups, and ensure that our Test players keep the focus on the Tests, then the public should do that. We know that, and we need to communicate that.

We were not nearly clear enough about that, and that is something we absolutely need to address. The entire program and every event must put the fan at the center. There are all kinds of demands, but without the fans you have no sport. We will take away these lessons and ensure… that there will be events where players are unavailable, but make this clear and understandable well in advance. I think people were disappointed, and I completely understand that.

It's a good problem to have that you have an incredibly talented group that can play all formats, and that's something you don't take for granted. But there is an element of education and understanding in that. I think everyone can understand that you can't be in two places at once. So there is a balance, but as a game we always have to make sure that we are thinking about every event, are we performing for the fans?

That's something we need to think about, especially around the way we started the summer.

The reversal of Warners' captaincy ban was too late

Asked about David Warner's reprieve from a lifetime ban as captain, Baird said the outcome had been overdue, and expressed openness to the idea of ​​the former opener coaching Australia one day.

David Warner is the skipper of the Sydney Thunder after his captaincy ban was lifted.

David Warner is the skipper of the Sydney Thunder after his captaincy ban was lifted.Credit: Nick Moir

I think that's a good result. It's fair, reasonable and overdue. The lessons of what happened in South Africa are there for all to see, Baird said.

David has shown his repentance and he understands the implications. He has paid a high price, he wants to contribute to cricket, and that high price has been paid.

So the opportunity to play a leadership role now, it's exciting for him to see that [ban] removed for the rest of his life, to contribute to cricket without it being there. In the short term, it's also exciting to have a leadership opportunity with the Thunder.

He is open to any role, and certainly from our point of view, bringing past players into a senior role in coaching or administration is something we should encourage.

A closer look at the culture of the women's game

Baird confirmed that CA was reviewing the culture of the women's game following the heavy penalties imposed on Dulip Samaraweera for inappropriate behavior with players under his charge. Kate Jenkins, who reviewed conduct in federal parliament, is involved in the process.

Baird also said organizing a competition for Afghanistan's refugee women cricketers next year was an example of combining strong words with action.

There was a realization that we had taken a strong stand. Ultimately, it's about providing tangible support to the players among us, he said. We understand the challenges… in Afghanistan, so this seems like a very practical, tangible way to make a contribution that highlights the importance of women's cricket, and we think this is an important part of the future of the game.

But if growing the women's game is a strategic objective, you can't just talk the talk; you have to put your words into action. This is a tangible way to walk the walk.

Why Baird supported Jay Shah

Baird backed the election of BCCI supremo Jay Shah as International Cricket Council boss earlier this year and will host him for the Tests in Melbourne and Sydney.


Jay will start next month, with the board meeting early in the new year, Baird said. He has a vision that we need to work together more closely. He certainly has a vision to support and grow the women's game, strong support for Test cricket, and has also indicated that he is keen to look at the governance of the game. All of these organizations have strong alignment with Cricket Australia and Australian cricket more broadly, so were very positive in terms of the possibilities, and we look forward to working with him.

It's about managing the game in the long term. And that's not How do I get the best result for CA?

That's part of my role, but the other part is stewardship of the game more broadly, so how do we ensure that red ball cricket continues to be supported and funded and given opportunities to continue that, and how do we give associate countries opportunities to grow?

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