Yashasvi Jaiswal, building on the legacy of Indian cricket | Cricket news
Once in a generation, Indian cricket tends to cause a breakthrough sensation. Could the prolific opener be next?
Yashasvi Jaiswal's 161 in the first Test of the Frontier Gavaskar Trophy in Perth has left Australia enchanted. Greg Chappell, one of the greatest Australian batsmen who has also been India's head coach in the past, says in his column that 'Jaiswal is the heir apparent to the throne of India's batting genius, once occupied by the legendary Sachin Tendulkar and subsequently passed away. to superstar Virat Kohli”.
Border Gavaskar Trophy
How does that make those who played a role in Jaiswal's meteoric rise feel? Former India captain Dilip Vengsarkar has no doubt that Jaiswal is Indian cricket's next breakout star. Vengsarkar has played a key role in Jaiswal's career, taking him to England for an exposure trip with his academy in 2015, when the batsman was still in his early teens.
“I saw the spark in him when he was on that tour of England, when he was fourteen or fifteen years old. His coach Jwala Singh told me to watch him in the nets of my academy at the Oval Maidan. He told me told me that Yashasvi came from a humble background. Jwala himself had been a trainee at my academy in 1996-97. I was impressed that Yashasvi had heard that I was taking my academy team to England, and asked me. to involve him so that he would gain fame. And so his journey began,” Vengsarkar told TOI.
Yashasvi Jaiswal and Jasprit Bumrah stole the show in India's victory in Perth
During that tour, Jaiswal made many runs in different conditions. Vengsarkar was impressed by the youngster's adaptability. “I saw that he had the ability to adapt very quickly to the circumstances, which is very rare. Now he is in Australia.
“He didn't have time to adapt to the bounce or the wicket, but he adapted very quickly. It's something I saw in him in England too, because he adapted very well in every match. What's important is that he has focus and concentration.” , excellent temperament and of course the skill level to excel. He has the potential to achieve bigger laurels but you have to wait and see how he fares,” Vengsarkar said.
Jaiswal is still in touch with India's former chief selector. “Every time he makes a bad shot, I remind him on WhatsApp, and he accepts his mistake. He makes it a point not to repeat his mistakes.” The Mumbai and India stalwart loves Jaiswal's penchant for 'daddy' hundreds.
Jatin Paranjape, former Indian batsman and currently a member of the BCCI's Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC), said: “India is blessed with great young batsmen and Jaiswal is probably the most complete. He has the potential to take Kohli's legacy forward. What remains? It can be seen that if he continues his disciplined approach, like Tendulkar and Kohli did, he has the chops.”
For Paranjape, it was Jaiswal's situational awareness that stood out in Perth. “I think Jaiswal against the Australian fast bowlers will be one to watch in this series. He will need a bit of luck on the helpful Australian pitches, but he will attack relentlessly when he gets the chance. In Perth “I liked his mixed approach, between vigilance and attack. He read the situation of the match well and thought like a captain when he batted,” said the former national selector.
Rajasthan Royals director Zubin Bharucha, under whom the Mumbai batsman trains for the IPL and when he is not on national duty, pointed out some key technical aspects of Jaiswal's game. “Firstly, he has the discipline to stick to the plan of no back or front foot drive with a straight bat from wide-middle to third man.
“That ball should be left alone or played with a square club to the third man, point or over the keeper, depending on the length. Two: not be tempted to play the pull or hook, but in instead, use the pace of the ball Three: Don't push the ball, but let the ball come to him and defend close to the body, which forces the bowlers to bowl into his pads a lot more, creating scoring opportunities,” said Bharucha. “There are still miles to go because there were several false shots and he was lucky not to be able to beat them. Still, we had to break the chains abroad.”
Jwala Singh, who coached Jaiswal and was his mentor, is excited about the player's latest feat. “I am very happy to see him score 100 in Perth. He is a player who can carry forward the batting legacy of Indian cricket,” said Jwala, who saw him in 2013.
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