Despite its important role in saving lives, over 5 billion people lack access to safe and affordable medical oxygen. This report outlines the urgent reforms needed...
Cannabis exposure is associated with genetic damage, accelerated aging, and birth defects, raising concerns about transgenerational health effects and public health implications. study: Key insights into...
In a recently published study, Frontiers in Cellular and Infectious MicrobiologyA group of researchers investigated the association between high-risk (HR) and low-risk (LR) human papillomavirus (HPV)...
In current clinical care, most critically ill adults undergoing emergency endotracheal intubation receive preoxygenation via oxygen mask. Providing supplemental oxygen to patients before the intubation procedure...
Increasing the use of blood transfusions after severe traumatic brain injury may help people admitted to intensive care units regain greater functional independence and a better...
Northwestern University researchers have developed a new antioxidant biomaterial that may one day provide much-needed relief to people suffering from chronic pancreatitis. The study is scheduled...
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