However, new research suggests that creatures have evolved to get the most out of what they eat. Their gut bacteria change in late spring and early...
the study, Published in Journal Circulation on MondayIncludes data on 464,585 employees and their spouses or partners from several different companies participating in an employer-sponsored wellness...
Researchers have also found that super-processed foods such as frozen pizzas, soft drinks, mass-produced breads, and some ready-to-eat meals make up a very high proportion of...
Published in the Journal of Sleep Research on Tuesday, the study analyzes data from approximately 500,000 middle-aged participants in the UK Biobank study, which houses detailed...
Many sleep aids work in the short term of up to 6 months, but clinical trial data show that insomnia can be a chronic problem and...
This is, in part, prolonging life expectancy, habits such as smoking, and Tumor-inducing chemicals after the Industrial Revolution. However, a new study published in a medieval...
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