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Google warns Canada’s plans to fight online hatred are “vulnerable to abuse”-nationwide


Google was one of the first major technology companies to comment on Canada’s proposed approach to dealing with harmful online content.

In a Google Canada blog post, the Internet giant said there was an aspect of the government’s proposal that it was “vulnerable to abuse and could lead to excessive removal of legitimate content.”

Read more: Ottawa presents a digital safety watchdog suggestion to crack down on hatred online

In July 2021, the government first proposed a new Digital Safety Commission (DSC) with the authority to regulate offensive online content from major platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pornhub.

The government has identified five categories of malicious content: malicious expression, child sexual exploitation content, non-consensual sharing of intimate images, incitement to violence, and terrorist content.

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However, Google points out that the platform may use the proposed requirement to remove user-flagged content within 24 hours to harass or limit speech by others.

“It’s essential to have the right balance between speed and accuracy,” the company writes. “User flags are most often used as a” signal “for potentially violating content, rather than a clear statement of the violation. “

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According to Google, in the second quarter of 2021, nearly 300,000 of the 17.2 million user-flagged videos on the YouTube platform were removed. However, Google has deleted a total of 6.2 million videos for violating community guidelines. This shows that flagging to tackle offensive content is not exhaustive.

Google has also strongly warned against actively monitoring content. Content is scanned for material that may fall into one of five offensive content categories before it is posted.

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“Imposing an active oversight obligation can lead to restraint of legitimate expression … and will not keep pace with the norms of the International Democrat Union.”

In this proposal, the platform is obliged to notify RCMP or other law enforcement agencies of potentially offensive content, and the new regulatory agency DSC will move to a platform that refuses to sexually exploit children or remove terrorist content. You can also apply for a court order to block access to your telecommunications company. ..

Read more: Liberals Introduce Bills to Fight Online Hatred in Criminal Code Amendments

When first announced, the government cited the violent attack on the Quebec City mosque in 2017 and the Christchurch mosque attack in 2019 as legitimacy of the proposal. attack.

Michael Geist, Canada Research Chair for Internet and E-Commerce Law at the University of Ottawa, said the proposal had “serious flaws” and was criticized by anti-hate and civil liberties groups that shared many of the same concerns as Google. He said he was. ..

He believes Google is likely to use artificial intelligence (AI) to actively monitor content that may be reported to the police.

“”[That] Given the potential for bias within these AI systems, there is great concern, especially for vulnerable communities, “he said.

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Geist also predicted that hate groups could target anti-hate groups and remove content in the absence of legitimate procedures. It said there is a 24-hour response requirement limit, especially if the company is penalized if it does not respond in time.

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“Google suggests that it actually leads to excessive blocking and excessive deletion of content,” he said. “Companies warn that there is a threat to freedom of expression, and that threat extends to the groups we are trying to protect.”

Geist was one of the hundreds who provided feedback in the summer during the talks on a proposal that took place during the 2021 Canadian general election and ended just four days later.

However, according to Heritage Canada, the talks are not transparent because the government has not published the feedback it received because it may contain confidential business information.

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Nevertheless, the Liberal government has promised to introduce online harm law in the first 100 days after the election.

“It’s not a step in the right direction to rush to make a seriously flawed and criticized proposal based on uncertain talks,” Geist said. “Ultimately, it can lead to constitutional issues.”

-Use files from Amanda Connolly of Global News

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.




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