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OnePlus Nord Bundled with Google’s Duo, Message, Phone App, Teaser Released


OnePlus Nord comes preloaded with Google’s Duo, Message and Phone apps. OnePlus will be published through a teaser posted on Instagram. The new revelation will take place shortly before the official release of the new OnePlus smartphone on Tuesday, July 21st. The company has already confirmed that OnePlus Nord runs on Android-based OxygenOS. In addition, some of its key specifications have been tampered with for some time. The OnePlus Nord will become the company’s affordable mobile phone, once popular with the launch of its flagship killer model.

According to the teaser video posted on Instagram, OnePlus Nord offers the smoothest experience, as you can use Google’s Duo, Message and Phone apps out of the box. This is unlike existing OnePlus phones, which include the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro, which have their own alternatives to the Google app and instead come with a company-specific dialer and SMS messaging app. However, the latest flagship comes preloaded with Google’s Duo app.

OnePlus Nord is almost bloatware-free and works with OxygenOS, which is known for providing a near-stock Android experience.

As 9to5Google points out, by providing Google Messaging with an in-house messaging app, OnePlus Nord will be able to provide Rich Communication Service (RCS) functionality to its users.

In another video on Instagram, OnePlus emphasizes that the OnePlus Nord has a sturdy construction that withstands drops, shocks and water. However, as OnePlus co-founder Karl Pay confirmed in an interview with YouTuber Marques Brownlee (MKBHD), the phone does not come with Ingress Protection (IP) certification.

OnePlus Nord Specifications

Recent teasers have confirmed that the OnePlus Nord will feature a 48-megapixel Sony IMX586 primary sensor and a quad rear camera setup that supports Optical Image Stabilization (OIS). The phone also comes with a 90Hz AMOLED display and is equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G SoC. It also comes with a 4,115mAh battery that supports 30W warp charging. Also on the front is a dual selfie camera with a 32 megapixel primary sensor. In addition, the OnePlus Nord has a glass back.

The OnePlus Nord launch is scheduled for IST on Tuesday at 7:30 pm. In addition to the new smartphones, OnePlus launches the first true wireless (TWS) earphones called OnePlus Buds.

Is OnePlus 8 Pro the best premium phone in India? We discussed this on Orbital, a weekly technology podcast where you can subscribe via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download episodes, and hit the play button below.

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