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Evergreen sidewalk construction scheduled to begin this week

Evergreen sidewalk construction scheduled to begin this week


After years of effort, sidewalk construction along US 2 in Evergreen has finally begun.

The project is in its first phase, with construction expected to begin on Cottonwood Drive and extend one mile north to Poplar Drive. Officials said drivers can expect intermittent lane closures and reduced speeds during the work.

This has been a long process, but it has been a great addition to our community, said Connie McCubbins, Executive Director of the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce. The sidewalk will increase pedestrian safety in our community, including improved accessibility for pedestrians with disabilities, and will ultimately give Evergreen's children a safe path to school. .

In Evergreen, children who cannot find a ride to school must walk to school, often along Route 2. Because the district is small, it does not qualify for state funding for the bus system.

Evergreen Superintendent Dr. Laurie Barron said the trails along the highway are unpaved and students are often forced to walk on the road, especially in the winter.

According to the state Department of Transportation's 2021 annual average daily traffic data, nearly 20,000 vehicles a day pass in front of the middle school each day on US 2. School officials said the lack of sidewalks was both an inconvenience and a safety hazard.

Baron said every time he sees a student walking along the shoulder of the road, he worries for their safety.

The work, done by the Department of Transportation and Raz Construction, is expected to impact traffic along the busy road, but the potential impact on travelers is expected to be limited, according to Jamie Olson, a spokeswoman for the state agency. It is believed that the potential for dissatisfaction with this issue should be kept to a minimum.

Local groups like Evergreen Community Partners have been working to address the lack of sidewalks along highways since 2005.

The group, in partnership with the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce, won a $1 million grant from the Department of Transportation in September 2021 to build a sidewalk from the former Kmart to Evergreen Middle School, and supporters say the project This is called overall phase 1.

Barron said this week that our community has put a lot of time, effort and heart into this. Thank you very much.

Funding for Phase 2 of the project was secured through House Bill 5 during the 2023 legislative session, but the effort ultimately received the needed dollars in federal funds provided by the state Department of Transportation. In August, the agency awarded $999,655 to the unincorporated community for the second phase of the project.

The allocation comes after state Rep. Tony Brockman (R-Evergreen) tried to secure funding through a standalone bill earlier this year. House Bill 472 was then tabled, and Brockman asked Gov. Greg Gianforte and the Joint Appropriations Subcommittee on Long-Range Planning for support. The sidewalk project was later tied into a larger infrastructure bill known as House Bill 5.

With federal funding, the money set aside for projects in HB 5 is returned to the general fund.

Brockman said this week he would like to thank the business owners and community members who made the project possible.

Mr McCubbins also thanked project supporters for their tenacity.

I want to thank everyone who made this happen: Evergreen Community Partners, the businesses and property owners who recognized the need for sidewalks, and Congressman Tony Brockman, who fought so hard for sidewalks. said McCubbins. Evergreen has always been a resilient community, with a history of coming together to respond to needs and challenges as they arise.

Reporter Kate Heston can be reached at [email protected] or 758-4459.




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