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Massive Pixel 9 leak reveals Google's surprising new device

Massive Pixel 9 leak reveals Google's surprising new device


The Google Pixel 8 Prophone was showcased during the Google Pixel 8 product launch event and… [+] Pixel 8 pro smartphone, Pixel Watch 2, Pixel Buds Pro earbuds, October 4, 2023, New York. (Photo credit: Ed JONES/AFP) (Photo credit: ED JONES/AFP, Getty Images)

AFP (via Getty Images)

Google will launch three Pixel 9 smartphones later this year, according to a new leak.

In a surprising change in its launch strategy, Google plans to add a third XL Pixel 9 to its lineup, according to tipster OnLeaks (via 91 Mobiles). In January, OnLeaks revealed the first details of Google's next smartphone, revealing two smaller devices compared to the current Pixel 8.

The leak also claims that the base Pixel 9 will have three camera sensors instead of the two camera sensors found on the Pixel 8. At the time, I thought Google was trying to make the basic Pixel 9 more like his Pro unit.

According to OnLeaks, that's not the case. The two previously leaked devices are both his Pixel 9 Pro units. The leaked 6.5-inch Pixel 9 Pro is a brand new XL unit.

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Today's leak reveals the true identity of the base Pixel 9. This actually only has two camera sensors and a 6.03-inch display. The renders also show that the Pixel 9 will feature rounder edges, a flatter display, and a redesigned camera bump. It's hard not to see clear similarities to Apple's iPhone, both in appearance and product strategy, and the inclusion of a third model strengthens that similarity.

Google has dabbled with the XL designation before, using it for the larger Pixel for several years, but it was discontinued with the release of the Pixel 5 in 2020, leaving it in only one size. Check out my video review below. Despite the XL name, the top-end Pixel 9 is slightly shorter than the current Pixel 8 Pro (6.5 inches vs. 6.7 inches).

I wonder if Google adding a second Pro unit and reducing the size of the entire lineup is for people who struggle with larger phones but still want the Pro's camera hardware. The Pixel 9s mid Pro unit (6.1 inches) will be smaller than the current base Pixel 8 (6.2 inches). The Pixel 9 Pro XL, on the other hand, will appease those who prefer a phablet experience.

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If this leak is accurate, it would mean major changes to Google's smartphone plans. The company has subdivided and changed its strategy multiple times over the years, and recently revamped its product line with its own Tensor chipsets.

But search companies have always insisted on releasing one or two versions of their flagship smartphones, even in the carefree Nexus era. In other words, this year he is likely to release five different Pixel smartphones. Pixel 8a, Pixel Fold 2, and Pixel 9 series.




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