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Sen. Mark Warner convenes biotech leaders from Roanoke and New River valleys | Virginia Tech News

Sen. Mark Warner convenes biotech leaders from Roanoke and New River valleys | Virginia Tech News


National security is no longer simply about who has the most tanks, guns, ships, plans, or who has the advantage in various technological areas. [such as] Warner said synthetic biology, biomanufacturing, and the next generation of biotechnology. What's happening at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute and the School of Medicine is truly cutting edge in many ways. I would like to support the next generation of biotechnology.

“What we've built together is attracting some of the brightest minds in healthcare, technology and research to put their ideas into practice here,” said Carilion Clinic CEO Nancy Agee. It's so fun to think about tomorrow's treatments, therapies, and medicines that will be developed here and benefit patients around the world.

The roundtable included local and state biotech leaders, including Joe Benevento, Virginia Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Trade and interim CEO of the Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation, and Haywood Fralin of Roanoke; More than 20 medical, economic, and academic leaders participated. Businessman, economic development advocate, and namesake patron of the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute. Fralin noted that large areas in the Roanoke and New River valleys and areas south of them around Martinsville and Danville had the fastest economic growth last year. In Virginia data.

Friedlander cited the institute's growth since its opening 14 years ago, reaching more than 40 faculty-led research teams this year. The institute has more than 500 employees and students and currently has active external funding of more than $220 million. Funding per faculty member is comparable to large, established research centers in several countries. He also noted that the world-class talent the institute draws on has contributed significantly to its success, at least due to the welcoming environment provided by the Roanoke community, which helps our nation compete globally. He noted that this was consistent with Warners' assessment of the impact on power. .

The panel discussion featured Erin Burcham, president of the Verge Alliance and executive director of the Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology Council. Tony Sepol, Executive Vice President and Chief Physician, Carilion Clinic; Sarah Snyder, her CEO and co-founder of BEAM Diagnostics; The company was founded from research at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute, which develops technologies to support behavioral health care. Rob Gordy, a research professor and founder of Tiny Cargo, a company developing therapeutic drug delivery systems.

Moderated by Brandi Salmon, vice president of innovation and partnerships at Virginia Tech, the panelists included representatives from Virginia Tech, research institutions, state and local governments, and RAMP, Roanoke's startup business accelerator program. He praised the support. Several attendees also noted that Roanoke's natural beauty, outdoor amenities, and vibrant arts scene are valuable assets for attracting the talent needed to grow the biotech sector.




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