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These high-tech reading glasses are expensive, but could hold the key to your future eyewear

These high-tech reading glasses are expensive, but could hold the key to your future eyewear


The Vision and Eye Care business is a unique combination of two industries: healthcare and fashion. This was on full display at Vison Expo East, an event for eye care providers, designers, vision business leaders, and eye technology enthusiasts held in New York City this month. (There's also Vision Expo West.) Think of this as his CES for eye care. But this time it was held just off the coast of the Hudson River, with champagne glasses heaving in the most stylish eye-frame designs.

I got the chance to go to Vision Expo because I was standing in line to see certain specs. It's an adaptive pair of sunglasses that turns into reading glasses when you want them, and turns back into regular sunglasses when you don't want them. It's called “32 Degrees North,'' and we wanted to see if the glasses lived up to their claims.

I'm not presbyopic, so I wasn't able to actually try out the 32 Degree North glasses, which are made by the Israeli company DeepOptics. This is an unavoidable vision problem that people develop around the age of 45 and is caused by natural changes in the eye's crystalline lens that allow them to see. It's blurry up close. So I tried them on, toggled through different viewing modes, and talked to the tech guy.

Examples of where this is useful in the real world are when you're outside reading a book, looking up directions on your phone while walking in a new city, or spending a few hours on your phone. When outdoors, reading glasses are usually used, but sunglasses should be worn instead.

What do glasses look like and what are they made of?

An example of how glasses focus up close. As we age, the lens of our eyes becomes less flexible, so most people begin to notice that it's harder to see things up close in their 40s.

Jessica Rendall/CNET

32 Degree North glasses come in two frame designs: narrow fit (Wharton) and “regular” fit (Muir). You can choose from two colors: black and clear. I thought these black sunglasses looked like regular sunglasses, but the clear color exposes all the “technology” that runs through these glasses, especially the sides, so it's a good choice for those who prefer the spy kids look. However, it is not suitable for people who are not. I want my sunglasses to look like regular sunglasses.

Examples of sunglasses in far vision mode or normal mode. If you are nearsighted and need a prescription to see things far away, you should wear contacts with 32 Degrees North sunglasses because they can only correct presbyopia.

Jessica Rendall/CNET

The glasses' sunglass lenses are made with Deep Optics' pixelated liquid crystals, which company officials describe as a similar idea to LCDs in LCD televisions, except they function as lenses. According to the company, the crystal layers create an “unlimited dynamic, high-quality lens” that allows you to change your reading glasses prescription up to +2.5 diopters (adjustable at any time) with a swipe or touch of the glasses. . The prescription will appear in the paired app). A power of up to 2.5 diopters can cover most people's presbyopia prescriptions, but you should always check with your eye doctor.

Adjust your vision with an app and a tap

A sample page of the pairing app that comes with 32 Degrees North glasses.

Jessica Rendall/CNET

To set up these glasses, you'll need to work with the Deep Optics paired app. From there, you can set your presbyopia power (and return to adjust if necessary).

Once you have set up your prescription, you are ready to use it. To switch your glasses from regular sunglasses to reading glasses, swipe your finger along your temple and back toward your ear. To switch back to landscape mode, do the same.

If you need to see up close, like having to fumble around for your reading glasses to take a quick look at your phone, you can press the side of the glasses and release when you're done.

In terms of battery life, these glasses last up to 1 day with “normal” use and up to 5 hours with “active” use (when reading mode is on).

Who will want to buy these and what they mean for the future Jessica Rendall/CNET

Whether you need to swap out your regular sunglasses and reading glasses combo for this $849 high-tech pair depends entirely on your preferences, how much time you spend outdoors, and perhaps your need to look for reading glasses. It depends on how troublesome it is. Quick task. (Also, losing a $10 pair of reading glasses is different than leaving behind an $800 pair, so keep past experience in mind.) How do these glasses compare to traditional reading glasses? I can't talk about how it will work yet.

As demonstrated by Deep Optics CEO Yariv Haddad, to get a quick glance at nearby objects, press and release the sides of the glasses to enter normal viewing mode.

Jessica Rendall/CNET

But if you're a vision enthusiast who would benefit from reading glasses, want to stay up to date with the latest technology, and have a little money to spare, these may be a good option for you . There's also a 30-day refund period after purchasing 32 Degrees North, so if you don't like the glasses, you can get your money back. (However, please be sure to return the item in the same condition.)

Selfishly, I don't use reading glasses yet, so I'm most excited about what the invention of 32N glasses will mean for “eyewear technology” as a whole. With great specs, flash, design, and technology, as well as increasing research into how to stop myopia in children and the growing need for glasses, we're confident that we're seeing a myopia “epidemic”. We are in the midst of a phenomenon called And there is also demand for contact prescriptions from the 40% of people who need vision correction to see far.

Yariv Haddad, CEO and co-founder of DeepOptics, said technologies like 32 Degrees North, which addresses nearsightedness and blurred vision at distance, are “on the roadmap.” There are various combinations of glasses for different purposes. For example, standard multifocal glasses and progressive glasses, some with distance lenses and some with near lenses. There are also transition glasses, which are regular glasses that “transition” into sunglasses when you step outside (32 Degrees North glasses do not do this). Technology that allows for more fine-tuning of glasses may one day hit the sweet spot that people are looking for in terms of total vision care and style.




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