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PhilosoFIC: Are generative algorithms accelerating human intelligence or digging them out?

PhilosoFIC: Are generative algorithms accelerating human intelligence or digging them out?


In the era of artificial intelligence (AI), the question arises of how to differentiate between humans and artificial intelligence. This important question was at the heart of the roundtable “PhilosoFIC: Artificial or Human Thinking?” “Our Intelligence in the Face of AI” in his InCyber ​​forum in 2024. From statements of fact to reactions, objective observations to perceptions, here are some thoughts from our 90-minute discussion.

The democratization of access to AI-based tools is revolutionary, but we should not miss the forest for the trees. These systems existed long before ChatGPT came online. The fact is that the current revolution is moving away from predictive artificial intelligence systems, which are primarily used in restricted, specialized environments, to other freely available tools that use fuzzy, generative, and non-deterministic algorithms. It originates from the transition to. This aspect alone is problematic, in that it is a black box whose mechanism cannot be understood. Should we accept being dependent on such a system?

Another generative and complex system whose function we do not fully understand is the human brain. Does this similarity mean that artificial intelligence can be confused with human (biological) intelligence, keeping in mind that to this day there is still one thing that is “uniquely human”? It is the human ability to remove oneself from reasoning in order to observe and explain. Thought and abstraction: Descartes summarized all this in the Cogito Ergo Sum.

This ability gives humans a huge advantage over AI, as it allows them to avoid the “hallucinations” that plague artificially generated systems. They are unable to write lipograms (text that forces authors to avoid using certain characters) (a clear but anecdotal example) because they are unaware of what they are producing. , or he can't even produce an image of a human with six fingers. – An annoying mistake, but one that helps debunk deepfakes. And in the absence of objective information, content is generated that has no relation to reality, that is, “fake” content, which is even more annoying, if not more serious. These examples demonstrate that the impact generative artificial intelligence has had on modern society serves, above all, as a reminder to never stop questioning human nature and reality.

The impact of AI and the accelerating evolution of human society

Since access to generative systems became widespread in 2022, the increased access to data and data processing by these expert systems has led us to question the very value of human production.

Another acceleration is productivity. Concerns have been raised that human labor will be “massively replaced'' by machines. In fact, a completely different reality seems to be emerging. In fact, when using AI, skills seem to be aligned at the top. In fact, it is the least skilled and untrained people of the “old world” who benefit most from the benefits that artificial intelligence offers.

So, at the beginning of the 21st century, will the use of AI prove to be a powerful teacher? As services become hyper-personalized and society becomes an island of individuals, it appears that AI can provide an educational system (AI mentoring) that can be adapted to each member of society.

ethical and ontological issues

What benefits can AI offer humanity beyond the educational ideals (utopias?) mentioned above? Will these currently free systems replace complex paid services? Is it just more efficient? And how long will these systems remain free? AI systems are likely to eventually replicate the economic model used on the Internet, saying, “If it's free, that means you're the product.'' ” and invites us to purchase services modeled after users.

We must also keep in mind that for humans, tools shape intelligence. In more pessimistic terms, tools format our reasoning. Since AI tools also employ the same biases and other shortcomings unique to humans, it is even more important to question how the tools impact what is being taught. Remember the image of the black Nazi created by Gemini? How can we ensure that the lessons imparted to future humanity will be evaluated objectively?

Legislative and regulatory considerations

All these issues raise the question of what can be done about markets, the frameworks within which these systems are built. A regulatory approach is also a possibility. In Europe, MEPs have been working on proposals to control artificial intelligence so that it can serve as many people as possible. The goal is to give meaning to AI capabilities, even by classifying the risks of using AI, so that everyone can make informed decisions.

This approach is also an opportunity to look beyond our borders and examine what is happening on different standards in the United States and China. There are major ideological movements surrounding AI that characterize these countries, from unbridled liberalism to (strictly) state-controlled free enterprise. Is Europe's response to the AI ​​law correct? only time will tell.

If we look at the legislative process, we see that laws have a history. The issues raised by artificial intelligence do not necessarily require new regulations. Even if counterfeiting did not originate from AI, the current legal system already provides a well-developed framework. Journalism and copyright laws should be the first consideration when considering fraud related to artificial intelligence. Next, we will consider portrait rights laws that protect against defamation and identity theft.

Integrating AI: Social challenges and prospects

This regulatory approach requires consideration of the responsibilities of operators of artificial intelligence systems. This issue is no different from the issue of social network operators' liability. Perhaps Europe's regulatory framework for social networks could provide an indication of what needs to be done about AI, unless the social networking framework can simply be extended to AI.

The digitalization of modern society, social networks, and artificial intelligence brings with it ethical, technological, behavioral, and regulatory questions that ultimately require us to ask what constitutes a social contract. As reality becomes artificial, are we creating a new society?




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