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Sundar Pichai faces backlash as Google employee gets fired over Israeli protests: Absurd | Trending

Sundar Pichai faces backlash as Google employee gets fired over Israeli protests: Absurd | Trending


Google has fired 50 employees for opposing a cloud contract with the Israeli government. The tech giant also reportedly fired employees who watched sit-in protests at Google's offices in New York City and Sunnyvale, California.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai said employees should not use the company as a personal platform, fight over disruptive issues or discuss politics. (Reuters File Photo) ).

The layoffs come as CEO Sundar Pichai said in an April 18 blog that employees should not use the company as a personal platform, fight over disruptive issues or discuss politics. It was done days after saying it shouldn't have been done. He also added that employees need to focus more on how the company works, collaborates, debates and disagrees.

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Feeling unfair, these employees have filed suit in U.S. labor court, claiming they were wrongfully fired by the company. In a complaint to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), they allege that the company violated their rights under U.S. labor law by terminating their employment.

The employees who lost their jobs strongly believe they were simply discussing working conditions and not engaging in political discussion, which is an activity protected by U.S. labor law. they claim.

One employee, speaking on condition of anonymity, said discussing working conditions is legally protected, according to The Washington Post. Sander, a software engineer, added: [Pichai] You can say you don't want that, but the National Labor Relations Act says otherwise. Google is perhaps the most powerful company in the world, and the work its employees do every day has an incredible impact. It's ridiculous that you can't talk about the impact under the guise of purpose.

In response, Google spokesperson Bailey Thomson defended the company's actions. “We are confident in our position and support our actions,” he said. This is a clear case of an employee disrupting and occupying the workplace, making other employees feel threatened and unsafe. Their behavior was completely unacceptable by any standard.

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Arfa Javaid is a journalist with the Delhi team of Hindustan Times. She covers trending topics, interesting articles, and viral content online. …Show details

News / Trends / Sundar Pichai faces backlash for firing Google employee during Israeli protests: absurdity




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