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Maximize your results with Google Ads automated bidding strategies

Maximize your results with Google Ads automated bidding strategies


With manual bidding, you tell Google how much you want to pay for each click. Automated bidding adjusts bids on your behalf to optimize for your goals. Automated bidding is adjusted by Google based on performance and other insights, which should theoretically improve efficiency.

The Auto Bidding category has more optimized Smart Bidding options. This is an automated bidding setup that is optimized specifically for conversions or conversion value. This means it's more specialized and better suited for some goals, but you shouldn't use Smart Bidding for all goals because it's focused on conversions.

Otherwise, automated bidding goals and associated strategies include:

Maximize clicks Maximize conversions Maximize conversion value Target CPA (cost per action) Target ROAS (return on advertising spend) Target impression share

Therefore, while these strategies have some intuitiveness, the details of how best to use them and the details of their overlap may be missed.with that in mind

Why should I use automated bidding for each of these strategies?

As with all automation tools, the common reason is that it reduces the resources, i.e. time and human energy, and therefore money, that you have to input to get results comparable to if you were doing this manually. That's it.

Essentially, this automated bidding is faster and easier, and allows you to use your time and energy more efficiently, freeing up your time and energy for other things.

On top of that, it should, in theory, help maximize results in ways that manual bidding is not possible due to the limitations of human judgment and insight. Instead, Google automatically sets bids based on insights, eliminating the need to constantly manually update bids for keywords and ad groups. This is a very tedious task, not to mention prone to errors due to human inaccuracy.

Bidding with Automated Bidding is specific to each auction and uses historical data to learn the optimal bid over time. The longer you have used automated bidding, the more information it needs to capture and the more optimal bids you can make.

Strategies and the best approach for each

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There are quite a few here. Get started now:

Maximize clicks

As the name suggests, this strategy is literally simple: get as many clicks as possible.

There is no limit to how much you can bid here, but you can set a maximum bid amount.

There are no guardrails for the quality of the clicks because the goal here is simply to get a lot of clicks. However, you can define it. For this reason, maximizing clicks can help your search campaigns generate new traffic, but relying on it too much is not a very efficient approach, and while it may result in more clicks, it is more likely that you will not receive high-quality visitors. Please use with caution, as the percentage is relatively low.

Target impression share

The main objective here is to increase brand awareness by creating a certain level of visibility. This increases user awareness, consciously or not, by giving users a baseline level of familiarity.

Targeted Impression Share helps you reach as many people as possible. Especially great when paired with key search terms related to your brand.

Maximize conversions

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This is designed to take your campaign budget into account and get as many conversions as possible within those constraints.

In a way, this is similar to Maximize Clicks, but here we focus on the clicks that Google thinks are most likely to lead to a user conversion, whereas Maximize Clicks settings There is no distinction. (Please note that conversion tracking must be enabled for this to work.)

This is ideal if you want to increase conversions, of course, but also if you need a lot of clicks but have a limited budget.

Target CPA

This is an option within the Target Conversion bid strategy that allows you to select Target CPA based on cost-per-conversion as your strategy. This is one of the most popular strategies, and its appeal makes sense given that it focuses on how much to spend on each acquisition.

Here, you specify a target cost for each action such as sign-up, purchase, etc., and automated bidding will determine your bid accordingly.

This is great for maximizing conversions while keeping the cost of each conversion low. In addition to this, users can avoid being charged for low-quality clicks that are unlikely to convert. That being said, you'll need to budget about twice your target cost per acquisition, so keep that in mind when choosing this route.

Maximize conversion value

This is essentially a more advanced version of a conversion maximization strategy. Maximizing conversion value doesn't just consider numbers; it also considers the theoretical quality level of a conversion, for example, a conversion where someone spent his $100 should be valued higher than a conversion where someone spent $5. there is. It's essentially quality over quantity, but we also value quality and, within that quality, as much quantity as possible.

Conversion tracking must also be enabled here, and each action must also be assigned a value.

Target ROAS

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This is a unique subset within the Maximize Conversion Value strategy that allows you to choose bids based on your target ROAS or return on ad spend.

As the name suggests, Target ROAS is very similar to Target CPA. Here, Google looks at old performance data to predict conversion and conversion value performance and adjusts bids accordingly to maximize conversion value within his set ROAS goal. The return on ad spend for each individual conversion may be higher or lower than your target, but as the sample size increases over time, Google will balance it out to achieve your target's ROAS. .

Again, you'll need to have conversion tracking in place for this to work. We also recommend starting with a low target ROAS, ideally slightly lower than recent performance, and increasing the target over time to improve profitability.

Choose a bid strategy and best practices

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The first thing to note here is that you need to be very aware of your campaign goals and volume, and how that influences the appropriate tactics. Choosing a strategy that doesn't align with your goals will waste a lot of energy, time, and money. And of course, test different bidding strategies that may be relevant to see which one performs best.

Make sure you measure your KPIs carefully. Conversions, conversion rate, cost per conversion, and conversion value are good pillars here, but there may also be other KPIs related to your goals. From there, you can see which bidding strategy will give you the best results.

Choosing the right bidding strategy can be a bit of a difficult process, but there are usually some strategies that work well for you. Once you know your campaign goals, such as awareness, traffic, or sales, you can clearly visualize what that objective is and how the right bidding strategy can support it.




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