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Google Photos makes it easy to free up space for your photos and videos — here's how

Google Photos makes it easy to free up space for your photos and videos — here's how


Filling up your phone's storage with photos and videos is very easy. With microSD card support becoming increasingly rare, it means the cloud could be your savior. But how can you avoid running out of storage space in exactly the same way? That's where Google Photos' storage saver comes in.

Storage Saver's purpose is to free up space in your Google cloud storage by reducing the quality of backed up photos and reducing the amount of storage required in the process. So far, this feature is only available on desktop, but it looks like it will be coming to Android in the near future.

Android Authority discovered this during an APK teardown of the latest version of the Google Photos Android app. The code references Google's Storage His Saver feature and mentions that the dialog allows users to choose the quality of photos that are backed up to the cloud.

However, lowering the quality is a permanent change, so while you'll save storage space, your photos won't look as detailed as they were when you took them. This is exactly how storage savers work on the web today. That probably means photos will be downgraded to 16MP and videos to 1080p.

It's also worth noting that this change applies to everything backed up to your Google Photos account. Therefore, there is no need to select which files to downgrade, and some files will keep their original quality. It would be really nice to be able to do that, but as of this writing, it's not something Google offers. Google limits compression to once a day, which is fine for most people.

Lowering the quality is a permanent change, so it saves storage space, but it means your photos won't look as detailed as they were when you took them.

Judging from the code, this change means that Android users can now tell Google Photos to compress photos and videos on the cloud from their phone, rather than logging into Google Photos in a web browser. This may prove useful if you don't mind sacrificing some quality to save storage space. After all, his 15 GB free tier at Google isn't much.

Of course, if you need to keep all your photos and videos in their original format, you'll need to pay for the appropriate amount of storage. Google offers up to 5 TB of storage as part of Google One, but you can use other best cloud storage services instead.

Or, if you don't want to be tied into a subscription or upload to the cloud, you can back everything up locally using the best external hard drives. Make sure to back up everything regularly. This cannot be done automatically.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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